In Tripod, "Narrow Sensing" is a Door Opener!
5693 33 2017-3-24
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     Narrow Sensing is a "Door Opener" for Tripod.  In the Narrow Sensing video for the P4 Pro that Ty does, there are a grove of tree trunks that he flies through.  If you tried to fly your P4 Pro through the gaps in the tree trunks, the sensing system of the P4 Pro would stop you.  You would not be able to go forward or sideways under control of your Phantom; you would be stopped by the sensors.  But, you can go backwards from where you came, where it was last safe.  You can avoid the obstacle like the "Warning" says.  That is what happened to me in my tests where I learned how to use Narrow Sensing.  Watch Ty's video for the P4 Pro on Narrow Sensing and then interpret it with the following information.
     If you use Mode 2, it is best to assign Narrow Sensing to the left side "C" button under where the Yaw and Throttle stick is.  This allows you to use your right side stick to control the Phantom while holding the C button with your left side finger.  (I had to switch it in flight during the tests.)  When you use Tripod, the sensors will not let you go through narrow openings because in its "course" view, the narrow opening is just part of a larger obstacle.  Like any solid object, you have to go backwards to avoid the obstacle.  That is where Narrow Sensing can open doors.
     When you are in Tripod mode and you approach a narrow opening, press and hold the "C" Button so it will "open the door".  What it is actually doing is changing the sensor scanning resolution into a fine resolution.  It is only the sensor resolution that changes when you hold down the "C" Button.  Suddenly, the Phantom sensors see an opening and it will now allow you to proceed forward with reports of obstacles small distances to each side of the Phantom instead of a big obstacle in front of the Phantom.  It is a door opener!
     Maybe this will help you better understand how the Narrow Sensing option works.  My tests went over the problem again and again until the solution was consistent.  The problem is in how we look at the Narrow Sensing option.  If you read this and watch the Narrow Sensing video again, you will see that everything Ty says makes perfect sense when you think of Narrow Sensing as a Door Opener.

     Hope this helps because Narrow Sensing really makes Tripod even more fun than it normally is!
Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 13632 ft

Can you give a link to that video? Thanks.
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I haven't seen ty video , what about the link, and how much time did you spend perfecting. Good job..
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-3-24 01:54
I haven't seen ty video , what about the link, and how much time did you spend perfecting. Good job..

Aloha 007,

     Oh yeah, Details!  Here is the link;

     Mahalo for the help!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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stalker Posted at 2017-3-24 01:49
Can you give a link to that video? Thanks.

Aloha stalker,

     My apologies.  The link is a couple posts above.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 13632 ft

Cetacean Posted at 2017-3-24 02:32
Aloha stalker,

     My apologies.  The link is a couple posts below.

Cheers mate!
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I didn't even know we could do this...Guess I will be playing around with my P4P again....after is stops snowing here.  Thanks Cetacean.
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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ProQuad Posted at 2017-3-24 07:08
I didn't even know we could do this...Guess I will be playing around with my P4P again....after is stops snowing here.  Thanks Cetacean.

Aloha ProQuad,

     One thing to remember about Narrow Sensing is you still have to fly your Phantom.  You, as the operator, have to keep your bird away from the sides and getting damaged.  The sensors just let you know how close you are to the sides.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 20296870 ft
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United States

Cetacean Posted at 2017-3-24 22:56
Aloha ProQuad,

     One thing to remember about Narrow Sensing is you still have to fly your Phantom.  You, as the operator, have to keep your bird away from the sides and getting damaged.  The sensors just let you know how close you are to the sides.

Correct.  VLOS
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Flight distance : 428176 ft
United Kingdom

Just had a commercial flight indoors using the suggested settings on this topic. The p4Pro performed absolutely staggeringly good! I genuinely couldn't believe how stable it was! Ive flown many different rigs inside but none have been as stable as the P4 Pro.
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Cetacean Posted at 2017-3-24 22:56
Aloha ProQuad,

     One thing to remember about Narrow Sensing is you still have to fly your Phantom.  You, as the operator, have to keep your bird away from the sides and getting damaged.  The sensors just let you know how close you are to the sides.

Am I understanding this correctly.  In narrow sensing mode, the proximity sensors won't stop the drone as they do normally?  
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

HitrackAP Posted at 2017-6-7 08:22
Just had a commercial flight indoors using the suggested settings on this topic. The p4Pro performed absolutely staggeringly good! I genuinely couldn't believe how stable it was! Ive flown many different rigs inside but none have been as stable as the P4 Pro.

Aloha Hitrack,

     Well, that is good news.  I always hold my okole when someone flies indoors using Tripod.  This whole "Narrow Sensing" subject came up from someone flying indoors and getting into trouble.

     Keep us informed on how it goes indoors.  Be careful, but that is easier with Tripod and Narrow Sensing.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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FLDS Posted at 2017-6-7 12:09
Am I understanding this correctly.  In narrow sensing mode, the proximity sensors won't stop the drone as they do normally?

Aloha FLDS,

     Basically yes, but they will still stop you, only when you get real close.  I tested narrow sensing from the side on my shed and it went from stopping at 5-7, or so, feet to about 1 foot or 18 inches, or so.  Now, this is with a solid object, my plastic shed wall.  I would not expect it to stop if a giant Monstera or Haleconia leaf was on the side.  Generally, I expect to wash laundry is side sensors indicate a proximity of 2 feet.

     So, from a 10-15 foot open barrier, Narrow Sensing reduces the open space to 5 or 6 feet.  A smaller space than that may still stop your bird.  Hope this helps!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States


     Update!  Sorry this is so late.  Yesterday, I flew with another DJI operator and had to take the low route in to land.  (We were both coming in hot.)  In the low route, I have to fly between some ornamental plants and a shed.  The opening is about six feet at most and of course it stopped my P4 Pro.

     Since I have Narrow Sensing linked to my C1 button, I pressed C1 and was immediately able to pass.  All this time I thought you had to be in Tripod or Beginner modes to use Narrow Sensing.

      Just goes to show we learn something new every day, even if it is almost a year old!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Cetacean Posted at 2017-12-24 13:26

     Update!  Sorry this is so late.  Yesterday, I flew with another DJI operator and had to take the low route in to land.  (We were both coming in hot.)  In the low route, I have to fly between some ornamental plants and a shed.  The opening is about six feet at most and of course it stopped my P4 Pro.

Ken, glad that you have worked it out. Good news.

Enjoy that drone, and your balmy weather... ;-)

If you ever need a wheelbarrow of fresh powder snow, let me know. Haha
That statement sounds like something from Pablo, and the Columbian Cartel.

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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-12-24 15:18
Ken, glad that you have worked it out. Good news.

Enjoy that drone, and your balmy weather... ;-)

Aloha RedHot,

     Sorry, but "balmy"???  We have 20-30 mph winds and 50 mph gusts in the last few weeks.  Then there is the rain.  Hard to fly under those conditions.  But when we do, like yesterday, it is gorgeous!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Cetacean Posted at 2017-12-24 16:03
Aloha RedHot,

     Sorry, but "balmy"???  We have 20-30 mph winds and 50 mph gusts in the last few weeks.  Then there is the rain.  Hard to fly under those conditions.  But when we do, like yesterday, it is gorgeous!

Yeah, and what was the temperature, out doors? ;-)
Right now here, it's -19*C but feels like -26*C. But it's dropping down to -26*C tonight, feeling like -32*C

I stand by my statement, about that balmy Hawaiian weather. You lucky dog. (Drone owner, guy) Ha

You want an umbrella, and a hankerchief? Chuckles

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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-12-24 16:11
Yeah, and what was the temperature, out doors? ;-)
Right now here, it's -19*C but feels like -26*C. But it's dropping down to -26*C tonight, feeling like -32*C

Aloha RedHot (aka Chuckles),

     Well, I will try to write between the sniffles - NOT!  Hey it gets cold over here.  It is all relative.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Cetacean Posted at 2017-12-25 22:15
Aloha RedHot (aka Chuckles),

     Well, I will try to write between the sniffles - NOT!  Hey it gets cold over here.  It is all relative.

Yeah, your a funny guy, eh? Hahaha

I like the cartoon/comic, very timely. Let me check the temperature right now... Hang on.
Ok, very nice out tonight. -27*C and clear, feels like -35*C. Are you happy now?

That's ok, our sun will shine again... In a couple of long cold months. ;-)
Enjoy your mountain retreat, on the Hawaiian Island.  
Did it rain again, today? Wicked grin

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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-12-25 22:40
Yeah, your a funny guy, eh? Hahaha

I like the cartoon/comic, very timely. Let me check the temperature right now... Hang on.

Aloha Chuckles,

     Well, tomorrow it is supposed to rain all day, and Wednesday to.  But we are guerilla fliers who fly between the rain drops if we get desperate enough (which does happen).  Who knows maybe it can be flyable tomorrow!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Cetacean Posted at 2017-12-25 23:18
Aloha Chuckles,

     Well, tomorrow it is supposed to rain all day, and Wednesday to.  But we are guerilla fliers who fly between the rain drops if we get desperate enough (which does happen).  Who knows maybe it can be flyable tomorrow!

Why not look into You can fly day or night, in any weather.

When you want to visit Alberta, probably the summer would be best. I don't know how you could handle the cold here. It might take a full month to acclimate your body to withstand this bitter cold. Heck, perhaps it would be too cold for you in the summer, like that guy walking the dog in the cartoon.
I haven't left my home in a full week. I was out last Tuesday, and not once again, since.
But you have wind and rain? Must be nice for kite flying? ;-) on a windy day, you could travel to another island, via hang gliders... Haha
Just a little teasing, is good...

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Cetacean Posted at 2017-3-24 02:31
Aloha 007,

     Oh yeah, Details!  Here is the link;

Great tip!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3319262 ft
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Thank you so much! Very helpful info. I’ll try this in my first flight.
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

OOO Posted at 2018-3-19 11:52
Thank you so much! Very helpful info. I’ll try this in my first flight.

Aloha OOO,

      Good!  Happy to have been of some help.  If you use the Mode 2 stick configuration, you may want to make the C1 button the Narrow Sensing button.  This way, your right hand can be handling the level maneuvers while your left hand (finger) is holding the C1 button down.

     If you have any question, let me know!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3319262 ft
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Cetacean Posted at 2018-3-19 18:55
Aloha OOO,

      Good!  Happy to have been of some help.  If you use the Mode 2 stick configuration, you may want to make the C1 button the Narrow Sensing button.  This way, your right hand can be handling the level maneuvers while your left hand (finger) is holding the C1 button down.

Thank you my friend! Very critical info for me! As you know I love to fly in tight places/through the holes and most of the time I turn OA off in these stiuations. Now, I don’t need to do that!
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

OOO Posted at 2018-3-19 20:04
Thank you my friend! Very critical info for me! As you know I love to fly in tight places/through the holes and most of the time I turn OA off in these stiuations. Now, I don’t need to do that!

Aloha OOO,

      Good to hear!  The distances are reduced to about half a meter on each side, so you still have to be careful.  On the other hand, Tripod does reduce any speeds you can fly so you have more time to correct.  Be sure to practice enough so you can guess the distances you are dealing with.  Remote is out there with no second chances.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3319262 ft
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Cetacean Posted at 2018-3-19 22:03
Aloha OOO,

      Good to hear!  The distances are reduced to about half a meter on each side, so you still have to be careful.  On the other hand, Tripod does reduce any speeds you can fly so you have more time to correct.  Be sure to practice enough so you can guess the distances you are dealing with.  Remote is out there with no second chances.

I'm relatively experienced in tripod mode but I've never used narrow sensing.  I'll share my observations when it's done. Again many thanks for your helps and encouragement.
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

OOO Posted at 2018-3-19 22:56
I'm relatively experienced in tripod mode but I've never used narrow sensing.  I'll share my observations when it's done. Again many thanks for your helps and encouragement.

Aloha OOO,

      Looking forward to your video!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Can someone from the DJI camp (hello Susan and/or Thor) clarify this please?
I use the narrow sensing all the time in normal as well as in Tripod mode (I love to fly around at low level amongst trees in our forest). I cannot confirm that the scanning resolution is increased when narrow sensing is activated. I would imagine that if there was a "finer" resolution smaller objects (like a small twig or leaf) would be easier recognized and I have not noticed anything like that. The braking threshold is reduced by half (from 2 m to 1m) and that allows to pass objects that are too close for the default obstacle sensing setting.
The infrared sensors on the side are active in Tripod mode - resulting in a wider needed window (about 2m in narrow sensing - depending on the infrared reflecting properties of the obstacles - warning here that dark transparent plastic sheets may not be recognized at all !!!).
With no side sensors active in normal P mode the passing window can be even narrower but the collision chance is increased.
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oldhasbeen Posted at 2018-3-20 13:29
Can someone from the DJI camp (hello Susan and/or Thor) clarify this please?
I use the narrow sensing all the time in normal as well as in Tripod mode (I love to fly around at low level amongst trees in our forest). I cannot confirm that the scanning resolution is increased when narrow sensing is activated. I would imagine that if there was a "finer" resolution smaller objects (like a small twig or leaf) would be easier recognized and I have not noticed anything like that. The braking threshold is reduced by half (from 2 m to 1m) and that allows to pass objects that are too close for the default obstacle sensing setting.
The infrared sensors on the side are active in Tripod mode - resulting in a wider needed window (about 2m in narrow sensing - depending on the infrared reflecting properties of the obstacles - warning here that dark transparent plastic sheets may not be recognized at all !!!).

The term 'narrow sensing' is used by DJI to describe the option to override the side=infrared sensors when approaching a narrow gap.
Flying close to objects is not described as narrow sensing. Also that function doesn't work in 'normal' modes.
Yes - you can do the same flying in P-Mode without having to override infrared sensors.
But P-Mode doesn't give you the reduced speed which tripod is all about.

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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

oldhasbeen Posted at 2018-3-20 13:29
Can someone from the DJI camp (hello Susan and/or Thor) clarify this please?
I use the narrow sensing all the time in normal as well as in Tripod mode (I love to fly around at low level amongst trees in our forest). I cannot confirm that the scanning resolution is increased when narrow sensing is activated. I would imagine that if there was a "finer" resolution smaller objects (like a small twig or leaf) would be easier recognized and I have not noticed anything like that. The braking threshold is reduced by half (from 2 m to 1m) and that allows to pass objects that are too close for the default obstacle sensing setting.
The infrared sensors on the side are active in Tripod mode - resulting in a wider needed window (about 2m in narrow sensing - depending on the infrared reflecting properties of the obstacles - warning here that dark transparent plastic sheets may not be recognized at all !!!).

Aloha OHB,

     You appear to be saying that Narrow Sensing can operate in "P" mode.  That would be new to me and I plan on testing that out (as soon as the wind and rain get on the same page so the book can be returned to the shelf!)

     I have never seen any indication that sensing resolution ever got better in narrow sensing.  I fly in jungle tunnels, like you fly among trees in your forest, but we have thin vines that are a real hazard, so a fine resolution would be greatly appreciated.  I think the "Narrow Sensing" term applies to the narrowing of the sensed Obstacle Avoidance aperture that narrow sensing can enable (while pressed).

     Tripod works well with Narrow Sensing because of the time it allows for the computer to process the sensed data and then constantly update and set the obstacle avoidance parameters.  I do not remember trying narrow sensing under "normal" obstacle avoidance conditions but that may be because I am an old has-been to!  That is why I want to test that out.  If it works for me, it will be another benefit of Narrow Sensing.  BTW, in your case, do you remember if it has always been available in "normal" flight or did it occur after an firmware update?

     Mahalo for the observations!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Eric13 Posted at 2018-3-20 14:02
The term 'narrow sensing' is used by DJI to describe the option to override the side=infrared sensors when approaching a narrow gap.
Flying close to objects is not described as narrow sensing. Also that function doesn't work in 'normal' modes.
Yes - you can do the same flying in P-Mode without having to override infrared sensors.

The narrow sensing works for me in normal P mode. Default (stereo cameras) obstacle sensing as such does not change (distance measurements are not less sensitive) but the obstacle avoidance distance threshold is reduced. Try to approach a wall and check out when it brakes. Then activate narrow sensing (message pops up with warning) and see whether you can now continue to get closer to that same wall. In my case it changes from 2 m to 1 m.
Same applies to Tripod mode except that the infrared sensors are involved then as well. Wall test with narrow sensing does the same now with the infrared sensing system. (Try this with banking towards the wall and observe the distances shown on the screen and the actual braking thresholds).
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Eric13 Posted at 2018-3-20 14:02
The term 'narrow sensing' is used by DJI to describe the option to override the side=infrared sensors when approaching a narrow gap.
Flying close to objects is not described as narrow sensing. Also that function doesn't work in 'normal' modes.
Yes - you can do the same flying in P-Mode without having to override infrared sensors.

The narrow sensing works for me in normal P mode. Default (stereo cameras) obstacle sensing as such does not change (distance measurements are not less sensitive) but the obstacle avoidance distance threshold is reduced. Try to approach a wall and check out when it brakes. Then activate narrow sensing (message pops up with warning) and see whether you can now continue to get closer to that same wall. In my case it changes from 2 m to 1 m.
Same applies to Tripod mode except that the infrared sensors are involved then as well. Wall test with narrow sensing does the same now with the infrared sensing system. (Try this with banking towards the wall and observe the distances shown on the screen and the actual braking thresholds).
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Flight distance : 15632352 ft
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oldhasbeen Posted at 2018-3-20 22:32
The narrow sensing works for me in normal P mode. Default (stereo cameras) obstacle sensing as such does not change (distance measurements are not less sensitive) but the obstacle avoidance distance threshold is reduced. Try to approach a wall and check out when it brakes. Then activate narrow sensing (message pops up with warning) and see whether you can now continue to get closer to that same wall. In my case it changes from 2 m to 1 m.
Same applies to Tripod mode except that the infrared sensors are involved then as well. Wall test with narrow sensing does the same now with the infrared sensing system. (Try this with banking towards the wall and observe the distances shown on the screen and the actual braking thresholds).

You are right, Mr. oldhasbeen !
I checked that today. By pressing the C button side sensors don't get deactivated.
The overall threshold is reduced, also for the front sensors.
I got the same readings. 2m without C button pressed, 1m with button.

Also it does work in regular P-Mode the same way, just as you said.

I guess we just shouldn't trust the manual too much!     
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