DJI Flight Ops
Flight distance : 83638 ft
United States
Important thing to remember whether to use ASL (above sea level) or AGL (above ground level). DJI aircraft do not have barometric pressure sensors to provide measurements that would indicate altitude in ASL. The only sensors are getting information from satellite and ground relay stations which only provide altitude measurements in AGL. In the US, you can fly commercially above 400 feet AGL as long as you are within 400 feet of a structure. But this does not include things like bluffs, cliffs, hills, etc. That being said, if you were to be at the bottom of a cliff, for example, and you flew 400 feet above the top of the cliff, you would not be in compliance for commercial flights, but that would unlikely be an issue with any authority. Rather, you would need to be more concerned with maintaining VLOS (visual line of site). At 400 feet plus the additional height of the cliff, you would unlikely be able to see your aircraft without the aid of binoculars. Hope this helps! |