![]( Captain
First thing is to say NEVER use the 'both sticks down and in' method to shut down the aircraft, you will very likely flip it over. Yes, I know the manual says to do it - but don't.
Next, it is OK that the left stick clicks down, just descend using the left stick and when the aircraft touches down, keep the left stick down for 3 seconds and the motors will shut off. This is the safe way to do it.
The click position is not an issue, if it clicks in, just push it out again.
The aircraft knows when it is on the ground and OK to stop the motors because it can detect that it has stopped descending. It will not shut down in the air if you have the left stick fully down.
No, the general opinion is the motors cannont be restarted unless you are above about 500 feet when you shut the motors down, most people are not willing to try it for obvious reasons. |