Flight distance : 69455 ft
United States
Some people are paranoid, they see a drone and they automatically think it's "spying on them." The media and lack of education is to blaim for this. The best thing to do is to try and calmly educate them, but there are some people who "know" your "just peeping in windows" and will not hear otherwise, they cannot be educated, you'll just have to try to ignore them.
As far as the law goes, your good. Nobody owns the air, as long as your flying you cannot legally trespass, nor is their a reasonable expectation of privacy outdoors. You can fly wherever you like as long as it is not in a no fly zone or violates some other rule, your neighbors can't say boo about it. If you actually WERE deliberately looking in windows then local ordinances would probably come into play, but just flying around? Your good.
If they try to interfere with it or take pot shots then they will be committing a felony, drones are legally aircraft, shooting at one (or otherwise trying to interfere with it) would be the equivalent to firing a SAM at a 747, the FAA can, has, and WILL prosecute that, and yes, they get convictions.
Now, all that said, you have to live in close proximity to these people, so if you can find a solution where everyone is happy you might want to consider that, but that doesn't mean you roll over either.
The Phantom 4 is an incredible piece of technology, I know it can be intimidating putting something that expensive in the air, but you really can trust it. Make sure your RTH is enabled and you have set a suitable altitude. Make sure object avoidance is turned on and enabled in RTH. Recalibrate the compass the first time you fly, when you go to a near takeoff site that is a good distance from the last one (or that is magnetically different), or if it has been awahile since you recalibrated. Check the compass, IMU, and signal readouts before takeoff (they should all be green), and make sure you have a good GPS lock before takeoff. Until you get comfortable, just fly at an altitude that is higher than the highest obstacle where you will ne flying, that way it will be basically impossible to crash. Also, State Farm has a 100% coverage insurance plan with no deductible for $60 a year. DJI care is also nice.
Also, since people can be nutty (though I have yet to encounter anyone who was in the least bit put off, most are genuinely amused, fascinated, or curious), you may want to carry a pistol, I do everyday anyway, but it wouldn't be a bad idea if your really conserned about it. |