Irate Retro
United States
bob37 Posted at 2017-3-28 05:38
I normally fly above the trees, but recently got a VR goggles. With Litchi, you can fly in 3D mode and now i can fly rather easily around trees and other obstacles. Part of the control issues you are talking about it perception. One caution though, since there is a small delay in the video, if going too fast, mistakes can happen, but at slower speeds, you are like a hawk flying among the trees. I know it does not address the settings, but does address control.
Are you saying the VR goggles setup with Litchi gives you depth perception? How can it do that with only one camera? It seems to me that with only one image source, all it can do is give you "fake" 3D after guessing about what goes where. And if it guesses wrong, you're kinda screwed?
Since just a few hours ago I "landed" on a power line due to depth perception problems, I'm very interested in this and would be willing to shell out some $$$ if it does work. |