Hi everybody!
I got my firmware upgrade message when tried to fly drone, today. Went back home and followed all the steps as per manual. Drone and Slave RC upgrades went fine. Unfortunately the Master RC upgrade failed and continued to fail whatever I tried, as per other hobbyists tweaks. Nothing really worked. Formatting, Upgrading through either Stick or USB or from Gimbal, my master RC would report error and be flashing red with frequent beeps. I gave up and set my Slave as Master RC, rebound it with Drone and had a few FPV flights. When I came back home, I tried to set up my former Master as Slave ignoring flashing and beeping red light and then tried again, exactly like:
1. micro stick format from DJI App connected a Master RC,
2. then coppied firmware file to formatted Micro SD again
3. then powered on Master RC
4. then Drone
5. then connected Slave RC though miscro USB cable with Camera/Gimbal
6. powered on Slave and.... at first it would red flash and beep again for some 10-20 seconds and then turn into normal upgrade state (blue leds and quadraple beeps).....
after a bit longer waiting for upgrade progress, IT WORKED OUT. I could upgrade and make it work my former Master RC as new Slave. Got a great relief since there is no DJI service nereby in Kazakhstan and I ordered my kit among the first customers from US and probably has very frist HW version.
Wish it works for you too, guys
Nurlan (DJI picked up the first part of my as my name )))
PS: Dear DJI guys/moderators:
1. pleaase change my name as Nurlan, for this Forum and
2. do fix your upgrade file to eliminate such flitches when SW upgrade fails, reported as HW problem and forces your customers to exercise warranty replacements of RCs. Obviousely this has something to do with your current SW updrage version behaviour on some of erilier RC HW releases.