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Problems with using latest iOS app and not upgrading FW on Mavic?
790 4 2017-3-30
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Flight distance : 1905381 ft
United States

My iOS devices auto updated to the latest DJI Go App 4.06 without asking me for confirmation.  I don't want to upgrade the Mavic and RC to the latest FW because of items taken away with the latest FW upgrade, mainly the ability to use throttle up to cancel landings (I know the work around is to turn off landing protection), and because the extreme braking for emergencies has been disabled when using pause button. With the latest firmware,,  pause is like letting off the sticks.  BTW, having compared both .04 and .05 FW, I've confirmed that there is no change in top speed. With both I can hit a bit over 40 with the right conditions.
Sooo....a question for pilots and MODS, is there harm or any problems (other than a reminder to upgrade the FW)  in leaving the app at the lastest  4.06 while running with older firmware on the Mavic and RC? Pilots please reply IF you have experience using the latest app with older FW.
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Flight distance : 1905381 ft
United States

MODs...any thoughts on this? Some of the changes made in the latest FW were done without thought on how it would affect safety. The changes for the good don't outweigh the mistakes made by DJI on the FW upgrade.  Can we use the latest IOS app with earlier versions of FW?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

Sooo....a question for pilots and MODS, is there harm or any problems (other than a reminder to upgrade the FW)  in leaving the app at the lastest  4.06 while running with older firmware on the Mavic and RC?

I've flown with the latest (4.0.6) version of DJI Go 4 on iOS and the previous (v01.03.0400) firmware version with no problems.
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Flight distance : 1905381 ft
United States

DroneFlying Posted at 2017-3-31 17:03
Sooo....a question for pilots and MODS, is there harm or any problems (other than a reminder to upgrade the FW)  in leaving the app at the lastest  4.06 while running with older firmware on the Mavic and RC?

I've flown with the latest (4.0.6) version of DJI Go 4 on iOS and the previous (v01.03.0400) firmware version with no problems.

Thanks for the feedback! Can anyone else give their experience using older FW with newer apps? I assume if this would not work, DJI would prevent using older FW with newer apps, or at least communicate  a strong warning on incompatibilities  and possible issues. I'm sure there are many whose iOS device automatically updated the app, and continue to ignore the new firmware warning. Should we look at FW updates and app updates as 2 separate things where each may bring new features, or should we look at them as two pieces that need to work together for everything to work without issues?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2203983 ft

I'm still flying with the latest (4.0.6) version of DJI Go 4 on iOS 10.2.x and v01.03.0300 firmware version with no problems what so ever.
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