Second Officer
Flight distance : 8953215 ft
And iOS 10.3.1 has nu issues either... Made two 20 minutes flights testing it yesterday!
as per: 2017-04-04:
DJI Phantom 4 Pro Model WM331A - Serial: 0AXDDCC - 0A20814 (08 January 2017) flying in MODE 2
Aircraft Firmware: V 01.03.0418 (07 March 2017)
Phantom 4 Pro Remote Controller (GL300F) Firmware: V (07 March 2017)
DJI GO 4 App iOS: V 4.0.6 (16 March 2017)
DJI GS Pro App: V 1.2.1 (28 March 2017)
Apple iPad Pro 9.7" 128GB iOS 10.3.1 (04 April 2017)
Litchi App: V 1.15.7 (14 March 2017) - not usable at the moment
Litchi Magic Leash App: V. 1.0.3 (14 April 2016)
Litchi Vue App: v 1.0.1 (15 October 2016)
Hover App: V 2.3.0 (13 March 2017)
Airmap for Drones App: V 1.3.2 (16 March 2017)
GPS Plan App: V 2.5.1 (30 August 2016)
H.D. Sync App (Healthy UAV): V 1.1.0 (23 March 2017)