I'm a long term DJI Fanboy and, more importantly, I am NOT a Moron !
I buy the Mavic direct from DJI, 1st power up, wants firmware update, I do it, it fails at 38% (Sound familier?) and of course then the controller was bricked.
I tried ALL the fixes and tricks but it was a brick. I call and get clearance to return BOTH the mavic and the controller because "I want to make sure you guys get these things talking to each other".. "yes sir, of course sir"
Fast forward 4 weeks, I get it back.
Now I cannot be sure but when I open the box I recognise the packing paper I put in the box to protect the controller and bird and to me, looks just like I sent it, but no matter... I eagerly power it all up, and there you go, JUST THE SAME !
Some bright spark at the repair centre had clearly just read the the ticket and inserted a rough photocopy of the binding instructions.
I am way beyond mad now, their assumption that everybody is a dummy is sickening, they are the dummies here in EVERY way.
So now, 5 weeks after purchase I still have a $1000 paperweight. I could go back through support but why? The same will happen again and after another 4 week I get to rant again. No, I'm calling the credit card company and screaming "Not fit for purchase" and let DJI do some work trying to get their money or junk back.
Long term DJI Fanboy just left the building.