Flight distance : 125738 ft
United Kingdom
How do find flight times (and more, date/time, location, flight paths, flight height).
Q3) (More P4P related than Forum), Can I get the flight times from my P4P flight logs? I am hoping to do my PfCO and I believe having a record of hours flown may be a good idea. At the moment I am recording a manual flight log.
Using the DJI Go 4 (the app you fly your drone with), menu (top right), press "Flight Record". Stroke up the "Flight List" from the bottom of the screen. All your flights are listed here (each time you start the motors I believe as 0m flights are also recorded). Pressing on one of these flight will show you, flight date/time, flight duration, location, route, and even photos taken where. Very useful.
I hope someone else finds this useful too. |