Flight distance : 84957 ft
United States
Hello Everyone,
I am writing this while fighting back tears. The date is 4/3/2017. I purchased my drone directly from the DJI site a week ago, got the drone 2 days ago. The mavic is an amazing piece of technology, was very satisfied. I flew it probably 5 or 6 times. The flight that matters, is obviously the last. I live in Tahoe, specifically Kings Beach. I was at the lake tahoe beach and was flying my drone. i decided to go over the little city of kings beach. i was only 663.7 meters away, had only a flight time of 3 minutes and 30 seconds and had full signal on my RC controller and was connected to 16 satelites when all the sudden i started losing RC signal. This is kinda normal being i live in tahoe and there are alot of trees around but i wasnt very far and had already flown it alot farther the day before. as soon as i lost visual it prompted me as usual to RTH, which i complied. I zig zagged to that location where i lost signal so it should have only took about 1- 2 minutes to return but no such luck. Waited probably around 5 with my heart racing, then around 7 minutes i freaked out and got in my car, with the remote out the window i flew to the destination that i had last seen on my video feed. never regained RC signal. spent hours searching for my drone until it was too dark and i was using my cellphone flashlight. then woke up early the next morning, asked all the neighbors around the last known location if they say a flying machine fall from the sky but no luck. one of the residents even loaned me a 50mm set of binoculars. from 7 am to 11:30 am me and my girlfriend searched for it. looked at the last known location for hours, then spent 2 hours walking from the last known location to the home point to see if maybe it crashed into a tree which is doubtful because i have the RTH setting at 120 meters. and trees around here dont reach past 100-120 feet. well below my height. no luck. Not looking for sympathy. just thought id get my story out there for anyone else so they can beware. and maybe get some advice on how to find it. I have the DJI Care Package but you know if you dont have the drone, you arent getting a new one.
Thanks for reading Everyone,
The Sad Owner of a mavic Controller