Flight distance : 476791 ft
United States
I ordered and received a new Phantom 4 Pro several weeks ago, only to discover that one of the batteries would not take a charge and then discovered some other major problems with the drone itself, so I had to return it so I could receive another P4P, hopefully another brand new one. I check all of the gear and then proceeded to charge the three brand new batteries. The controller charged up without any problems, but all three of the new batteries will not charge up! They have been charging for hours, but the three charging lights keep flashing from green to red and back and forth. I am using the provided charger, which should turn off once each battery is fully charged. In my case, they just keep flashing. I have checked each battery and the green flashing bars on the batteries only show just one or two bars.
Am I doing something wrong, because this should be a cut and dry process. We all know of DJI's wonderful reputation for their excellent quality control and their steller customer service, but three out of four batteries being bad! Tell me it "ain't" so.