Jason Lane
Flight distance : 260144 ft
I've had a look at your .dat file. I'm absolutely no expert at reading these, so I think somebody more experienced than myself should take a look, but I did try to look at the most important data. ie: GPS Health, Number of Sats, Flight Mode, GPS co-ords, Home Point co-ords. Here's what I gathered about the flight:
- A Home Point was record at takeoff (54.460049, -6.066034), and that HP does not appear to have been changed or reset at any point in the flight.
- Your GPS health was 4 or 5 bars through most of the flight, and it appears that at no point did the Mavic enter ATTI mode.
- The log shows a disconnect from the RC, and a few seconds later an auto RTH (as expected after loss of signal).
- The Mavic was about 8m away from the HP when RTH kicked in. At this distance (between 5m and 20m) the RTH height will automatically be 10m, regardless of what you set it to (you had it set to 30m).
- The Mavic flew up to 10m, then flew to the Home Point co-ordinates (54.46005, -6.06603), and began the auto-landing sequence.
- It appears your RC regained connection during the landing sequence, and a subsequent flick of the Sport mode switch canceled the RTH/landing when the Mavic was about 6m from the ground.
Aside from your RC losing signal (harder to determine what caused that), I can't actually see anything wrong with the way the Mavic behaved. Does what I've interpreted from the .dat file match what you observed? |