Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States
Dronoob Posted at 2017-4-13 04:53
Sorry, but your analysis is not correct. The aircraft got GPS during the flight and continued its flight for about 25 seconds. Then it suddenly noticed that it was in an NFZ and immediately started the landing procedure. If it had started the landing procedure the moment it acquired GPS signal, the drone would have been 5m from its starting point and landed safely. Unfortunately, 25 seconds later it was over the lake.
Nonetheless, this is not the issue in this thread. It was just an example that NFZ issues can become expensive and should be avoided. So, back to the original topic:
Specifically which part of my "analysis" was incorrect? What I stated is correct: that part of the problem in the thread you referred to was that the OP took off before the Mavic could acquire GPS. And yes, there appeared to be a gap between when the Mavic acquired GPS and when it figured out it was in an NFZ, but my point was accurate and stands: a little patience would almost certainly have prevented the crash described there. Had he waited a little longer to take off, the Mavic would have recognized it was in an NFZ and refused to take off.
Nonetheless, this is not the issue in this thread. It was just an example that NFZ issues can become expensive and should be avoided.
What you wrote in the post I replied to was that you "really, really, really would like to avoid that something like this happens to me because the NFZ-database is confused or updated during the flight."
There's no evidence in that thread that the NFZ database was "confused" or that it was updated during the flight. There is, however, evidence that it's not a good idea to take off immediately after powering on the Mavic, which is what I recommended against.