First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
I view this issue as something that cannot - should not - be managed using brute force techniques. Regulatory agencies and politicians cannot stop the growing proliferation of drones as offerings increase and their price points drop. It is a much more successful strategy to put reasonable boundaries on their use, and then to educate the community as to those boundaries. CASA currently include their guidelines in Australian-delivered DJI products. Similarly, WallMart, Best Buy, Harvey Norman, JB HiFi etc need to take responsibility also by providing those guidelines at point-of-sale for other brands which don't do this in their packaging.
Vote One - Punchbuggy. I'll put in place reasonable-use boundaries across all nations for educated and aware drone owners - oh, and de-escalate North Korean-Chinese-Russian-US tension. And find a way for dogs and cats to live together in peace. |