Flight distance : 543110 ft
Daroga Posted at 2017-4-13 06:57
Is your device Android or iOS? Is it a supported device? Does it have hardware acceleration and if so is it turned on Does the device prompt to report the app crash?
There are more detailed flight logs stored on the aircraft and accessible with the DJI Assistant, but they are different than the RC. The RC logs can be played back on the mobile device, but the aircraft logs provide detailed flight data from the aircraft and use the Assistant graph-oriented viewer to graph data elements:
It's Android, and I'm not sure is it officially supported, never was able to find the list. But I can install it from Google Play. It's Google Nexus 6. And yes, it prompts to sent crash report.
I also have Google Pixel XL, but on this device app not simply crashes, but hangs phone, so I need to reboot. That's why I'm flying using Nexus 6 - restarting the app is much faster, than restarting the phone.
Thanks for the screen shot of aircraft logs. Nice to know that I have access to that, but it shows a bit to much info to download it only of curiosity.