How to fix the red 1345LS prop locks.
1085 3 2017-4-16
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Flight distance : 6693586 ft

I installed the 1345LS locks the other day and was equal parts pleased and unhappy with them. The new locking mechanism is great, and gives you that satisfying click when the pins lock into place, BUT there was too much play in the red locks when the props were in place. The mind boggles why the designer at DJI didn't use the same tolerances in the red locks as in the white, but I guess we'll never know.

Scouring the forums I searched for a solution to the wobbling red props and these best I could find was to put slivers of tape on the sides of the keys the props slide onto to make them that fraction wider. This did work, but the tape soon started to wear and slide off. I didn't feel this was a long term solution.

Que the good idea!

After waking up my girlfriend and receiving a confused look she gave up the whereabouts of her nail polish. I was hoping there would be a nice ruby red in her collection, but she had lent that to a friend, so I settled on a more discreet charcoal grey. I applied a thin very thin coat to the sides of the red lock keys and waited 30mins for polish to dry. There was still a slight wobble on mine so I added another incredibly thin layer on top and let it dry for an hour this time.

Now my red props are tight as a drum without even a hint of play. I'm not sure how long the polish will hold up, but I'm sure it would outlive any tape. Next time I might even take the inspire down to the nail salon and get a some hard wearing shellack applied! Ha!!
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United States

That's a very similar solution to this thread.  Only this guy used super glue on the bottom edge of the props.
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Flight distance : 6693586 ft

Blackwood Posted at 2017-4-16 20:21
That's a very similar solution to this thread.  Only this guy used super glue on the bottom edge of the props.

I did see that, but thought the problem on the i1 is different from the i2. I was having issues with lateral movement not vertical.
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United States

MrSilicon Posted at 2017-4-16 20:50
I did see that, but thought the problem on the i1 is different from the i2. I was having issues with lateral movement not vertical.

Ok, I didn't see that you were talking about an Inspire 1.
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