thanks for advice. firmware already on the sd card when i updadated the drone after purchase last week. when i bought the second battery and carried out the steps that you have mentioned bat still get a message saying update battery firmware. would appreciat any further advice thanks
Just insert the battery and turn the phantom on. The remote will tell you there's an update. Slide to update. No need to put the firmware in the SD card.
Hi thanks for your reply but firmware is up to date. What happens is I turne on the controller turn on the drone connect the app on the screen says firmware update when I tap on it it says update battery firmware tap on that it says go to DJI tutorial to learn how to update firmware thanks
ibuyufo Posted at 2017-4-17 08:22
Just insert the battery and turn the phantom on. The remote will tell you there's an update. Slide to update. No need to put the firmware in the SD card.
If the FW is not on the card ... where is the battery going to get it from ?
But if its not on the card ... then you need remote and tablet to be on ... and go through the update process ... using download ...
fans17a7caf3 Posted at 2017-4-17 08:14
thanks for advice. firmware already on the sd card when i updadated the drone after purchase last week. when i bought the second battery and carried out the steps that you have mentioned bat still get a message saying update battery firmware. would appreciat any further advice thanks
Post #4 hit the nail on the head. I would reinstall the app, though, just to see whether or not the request to update persists. If it does, ibuyufo's advice should work.
hi i would like to thank everyone for taking the time to reply. I used a brand new sd card along with the new battery switched on the controller turned on the drone started the app it informed me to update the firmware when i completed the update it updated the battery as well so thanks again everyone
Just to humour me .... have a look at the SD Card ... does it have two files on it in the root ... one ending in .bin and other ending with .txt .... ?
DJI Jamie - I have to say although is DJI Team has avoided the card part ... because the reason it is advisable to leave the FW update file on the SD card is precisely for this reason ... to update any new battery that comes along automatically. If you have latest FW on the card and you have an old FW battery ... when you insert into the AC and switch on ... in those few first seconds of initialisation - the two FW's are compared and Battery updated if necessary.
I may wrong - but evidence so far observed for my own gear indicates I may be correct.
fans17a7caf3 Posted at 2017-4-18 02:39
hi i would like to thank everyone for taking the time to reply. I used a brand new sd card along with the new battery switched on the controller turned on the drone started the app it informed me to update the firmware when i completed the update it updated the battery as well so thanks again everyone
solentlife Posted at 2017-4-18 04:32
Just to humour me .... have a look at the SD Card ... does it have two files on it in the root ... one ending in .bin and other ending with .txt .... ?
DJI Jamie - I have to say although is DJI Team has avoided the card part ... because the reason it is advisable to leave the FW update file on the SD card is precisely for this reason ... to update any new battery that comes along automatically. If you have latest FW on the card and you have an old FW battery ... when you insert into the AC and switch on ... in those few first seconds of initialisation - the two FW's are compared and Battery updated if necessary.
I'm having a little difficulty understanding the question. Are you asking whether or not it's ok to leave the .bin file on the SD card so that it can update the extra batteries on its own when needed?
Jamie - my post to OP to look at the SD card after updating the battery - I knew the bin and text file would be there. To support the claim as I and others made that the bin file updates the battery.
Sorry to say this but you as a DJI team member made a fundamental error in your post earlier ignoring this fact. Supporting another's post where he said the SD card didn't matter.
The bin file on the SD card is checked against the AC FW each time we power up ... this includes battery FW. If SD card is found to have later FW - then auto update of battery occurrs in those few start up seconds. Jamie - you should know this.