Hello all, went down the coast for the Easter weekend, tried to get down the beach early but it was still pretty busy
Got some nice clips tho so hope you all like !
Still dont trust the altitude hold 100% yet but every flight I get more confident with it !
dronist Posted at 2017-4-17 19:03
Real nice... You did pretty good. You can use course lock to follow the surfers. You keep it at the same height and just follow them!!!
Thanks !
Oh man I tried ! I thought it was going down into the water at once stage so I booted it up vertical... until I realized it was a wave building up below me lol ... Still not 100% confident to ignore the altitude but it gets better with every flight !
Chances Posted at 2017-4-17 19:10
Thanks !
Oh man I tried ! I thought it was going down into the water at once stage so I booted it up vertical... until I realized it was a wave building up below me lol ... Still not 100% confident to ignore the altitude but it gets better with every flight !
My pleasure! Seriously these kind of shots are perfect for the COURSE LOCK. Practice in an open field and you will see how easy it is to control the bird. Fly Safe!