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Lets talk about good things
908 6 2017-4-21
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Flight distance : 84957 ft
United States

So i have been on these forums for about a month now and since then i have only really read horror stories about The Mavic.

But in light of some of the obvious problems,

Has anyone actually had a DJI Mavic Pro Drone that hasnt really had any issues besides user error ?

Id really love to hear some good stories since mine wasnt a very good one and Im almost too nervous to ever fly it again lol

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23 ft
United States

Mine's been pretty good. Nothing to really say, there is bugs in my old firmware/litchi software but I know what they are and work around those. Like if I drop out of a poi in litchi while having the camera user controlled, it sticks like on rails to the programmed poi path. You have to issue a rth to get back fpv. Takeoff and landing is all done from hand, setting homepoints dynamically works great. Waypoints work in all modes but user controlled. Far as distance I can't complain. In the city can get around 3/4 mile before the video feed starts going. Country I don't even know the limits, been out well over a mile and the signal is great (all 10's in airdata).

Running android marshmallow and 1.2.9 firmware though, with litchi.
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
  • >>>
United States

Owning a mavic is like owning a boat, the two best days of your life is the day you buy a boat and the day you sell your boat...
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Ex Machina
First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States

Much discussion about that here: Enough of Mavic Horror Stories, any 90% satisfied pilots?
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First Officer
  • >>>
United States

I got mine with the first batch and so far, no crash, no problem updating, no problem flying, no app crashing, no fly aways and just updated to the new firmware and had a blast with the FIXED WING flying. This alone is worth buying the MP for... I use IPHON6S+ and sometimes MINI4. I always updated throug the GO4 app with NO PROBLEMS!!!
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Rusty Iron

Have not had a single problem that wasn't my own dumb fault. Flying, filming, updating - all have been basically faultless. BUT - I am a low frequency user and very new to drones so I am not trying anything too adventurous yet. My experience may change but indications so far are that I have one of the good ones. I don't have numbers to prove anything but I think given how many Mavics have probably been sold, versus how many people on this forum have had problems, I'm fairly confident I'm in the majority.
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Flight distance : 700768 ft

Not one single problem. Used it in the USA, Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. 50+ hours with the Mavic. Using a Samsung A5. Editing footage on an 2016 iMac.
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