I have insvestigated this aswell for my own purposes and found some solutions to do it. So I'm pretty sure I can develop this feature. Solution either works only via phone app or need little interface box between phone app and ronin.
Planned features are:
- two different timelapse modes: shoot move shoot and continous.
- full 3 axis keyframes and ramping system.
- camera shutter control with cable (so system controls camera shutter (exposure time, exposure ramping, interval etc.), focusing etc.
- repeating pingpong modes for video
- full automatic motion control, so you can shoot absolute same path movement as many times you want. So this is great for vfx
First product contains at least timelapse modes (shoot move shoot, continues).
If you donate me, I can help all of us and I'll develop software (IOS, android and possible windows desktop) and cirquit(small interface box). Small interface box will needed if I can't make this work only via smartphone app/pc software.
I have allready developed my own motorized camera slider and pan tilt head timelapse system based Arduino and IOS app, so I'm familiar with these kind of systems. |