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Just Lost My Mavic in the Gulf of Mexico! Help DJI!!
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10699 130 2017-4-22
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Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

While live streaming on Facebook and with over 60% of battery, my DJI Go 4 app crashed and my Mavic went into auto land mode.  By the time it took the DjI Go 4 app to get restarted the Mavic was landing in ocean.  It would not respond to RTH on remote controller.  No way to recover my Mavic.  Gonna need some help on this issue DJI. ... 4377289533212221472
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Ex Machina
First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States

Ugh, Sorry to hear that. You're going to want to sync your logs from your RC and enter a support request. If you don't get adequate support via that channel you can try to enlist one of the moderators here to help. Good luck.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

Sorry to hear that. Out of curiosity, what firmware was installed on your Mavic at the time?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23 ft
United States

lol I dunno why it sounds funny, on facebook I could see mark rubbing his little hands together and then pressing a button with his asian wife massaging his neck.

The only thing I can think of is the rc was still connected. What's nice about litchi is you can bind like hold c1 to move homepoint to your rc. Then when you get in the spot you want to return to (probably not the same spot you had the craft if hand launching), hold c1 and the homepoint is moved. It's real easy to do.

Now if there's an emergency, you can hold the rth button and issue that command without any help from the phone. You can also bind home lock to hold c2 or c2. Fly it back in home lock by holding the right stick back. Doesn't matter what direction the craft is facing. All the information you need is on the rc, wouldn't trust the phone if it's crashed.

Also put it in sport if your on the older firmware. That cancels the auto landing. Think that's what drone is saying- the 500 firmware is booty, a lot of stories like this.

Sometimes think something that obvious had to be known by the dev team. Maybe they know people are going to wreck them unrecoverable, more $$$ on new drones. Jus sayin, that lockout is the dumbest thing ever, or smartest money move. I wear tin foil hats so..
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

Flying on brand new Samsung S8.  I'm trying the "Live Streaming" feature for the first time.  Frankly, it was freaking awesome when my friends started watching the flight live on the beach.  I'm streaming for about 10 minutes when DJI5 Go 4 app crashes and Mavic auto lands.  All updates and latest firmware.
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Flight distance : 153268 ft
United States

Did you have the downward vision sensors off while flying over the water ?  Was RTH set to land instead of come back to launch point if the signal was lost ? Did you lose radio signal or just the app crash ? If just the app crashed you could have throttled up to gain altitude and let it hover while you reconnected the app . Flight logs will show what was going on , just asking if you remember how you had things set and such .
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Flight distance : 6299 ft

If app crashed there is no flight logs until the app is restarted, isn't it?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

Just app crash,,, then Mavic auto landed.
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Flight distance : 153268 ft
United States

Flight logs should show what was going on up to the point the app crashed  .
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Flight distance : 780233 ft

Seems to be a trend of mavic's randomly losing connection...
The app simply crashed nothing much you can do to stop that.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23 ft
United States

BengalBoy Posted at 2017-4-22 14:06
Flying on brand new Samsung S8.  I'm trying the "Live Streaming" feature for the first time.  Frankly, it was freaking awesome when my friends started watching the flight live on the beach.  I'm streaming for about 10 minutes when DJI5 Go 4 app crashes and Mavic auto lands.  All updates and latest firmware.

Oh latest firmware did this? rydfree41 has some good questions. If it did lose connection it should have executed whatever was in your rth settings.

Takeflight, yeah keep seeing that in forum about the app crashing. Why might be time to find another app to fly. I run software that doesn't crash back from december, go 3 and litchi. Have to do some things to block dji from blocking the older app.
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Just a question if my iphone disconnects or crashes is the controller not still connected to the drone. I mean isn't the phones just a repeater of the controller?
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BengalBoy Posted at 2017-4-22 14:54
Just app crash,,, then Mavic auto landed.

App crash will NOT force RTH or AUTO LAND or...  You can still fly the MAVIC even if the app crashes.
Only if the remote controller disconnect than whatever you selected in the RT H will happen.

Best way to figure oput what happened is to download flight logs. Good Luck!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

I'm still away without computer connection, but, here is a little follow up pending my upload of flight records.  Flying with Samsung S8 using "Facebook Live" Streaming enabled.  First time I've ever gotten this feature to work and it was Amazing.  During a 10 minute stream the DJI Go 4 app crashed.  Mavic is about 1800 feet away from home point on the beach at about 70 feet.  On restart of app it begins to indicate "NFZ" and initiates auto land.  I had no control, left stick up and pause would not respond.  Before DJI Go 4 app fully reboots Mavic has landed in ocean.
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Flight distance : 4033665 ft
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BengalBoy Posted at 2017-4-23 06:26
I'm still away without computer connection, but, here is a little follow up pending my upload of flight records.  Flying with Samsung S8 using "Facebook Live" Streaming enabled.  First time I've ever gotten this feature to work and it was Amazing.  During a 10 minute stream the DJI Go 4 app crashed.  Mavic is about 1800 feet away from home point on the beach at about 70 feet.  On restart of app it begins to indicate "NFZ" and initiates auto land.  I had no control, left stick up and pause would not respond.  Before DJI Go 4 app fully reboots Mavic has landed in ocean.

Well obviously nothing to do with VPS, did you have any idea you were in you were in restricted airspace.
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Flight distance : 715551 ft
United States

BengalBoy Posted at 2017-4-23 06:26
I'm still away without computer connection, but, here is a little follow up pending my upload of flight records.  Flying with Samsung S8 using "Facebook Live" Streaming enabled.  First time I've ever gotten this feature to work and it was Amazing.  During a 10 minute stream the DJI Go 4 app crashed.  Mavic is about 1800 feet away from home point on the beach at about 70 feet.  On restart of app it begins to indicate "NFZ" and initiates auto land.  I had no control, left stick up and pause would not respond.  Before DJI Go 4 app fully reboots Mavic has landed in ocean.

Where were you flying? If you flew into a NFZ you should have gotten some sort of warning before the auto landing. Did you check for any no fly zones before putting the Mavic in the air?
App crash aside the Mavic should have still been controllable unless it sensed a serious NFZ violation which goes back to my first question. Where exactly were you flying?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

I was not in a "NFZ" zone, I double checked when I got back to my buddy's boat.  He is a Pilot with the charts, etc., for his plane on ForeFlight.  Actually, every time I started my Mavic on DJI Go 4 it starts out giving you a "NFZ" error until everything connects and it changes to "Ready to Fly"
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

Here is the link to my video that was a "livestream" on Facebook.  This is the complete flight.  The end is the moment the DJI Go 4 app crashed.
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Flight distance : 6299 ft

So, that false "NFZ limit" in the recent firmware finally forced someone's Mavic to land into ocean?
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Flight distance : 159820 ft
United States

We don't know anything just yet until OP uploads his log file from his phone.
@BengalBoy, facebook link doesn't work.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

GrAndAG Posted at 2017-4-23 13:03
So, that false "NFZ limit" in the recent firmware finally forced someone's Mavic to land into ocean?

I think your right....
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

laceyboy Posted at 2017-4-23 13:32
We don't know anything just yet until OP uploads his log file from his phone.
@BengalBoy, facebook link doesn't work.

Sorry laceyboy, I'm home now with a laptop computer.  Here is the link to the video.  Keep in mind this is being streamed live on FaceBook at the time.  First time for me to get this feature to work.  Never would work right with my Phantom 4 and HTC One M8.  When the video ends its a result of the DJI GO 4 app completely crashing. ... 4377289533212221472
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

fans31441475 Posted at 2017-4-23 07:46
Where were you flying? If you flew into a NFZ you should have gotten some sort of warning before the auto landing. Did you check for any no fly zones before putting the Mavic in the air?
App crash aside the Mavic should have still been controllable unless it sensed a serious NFZ violation which goes back to my first question. Where exactly were you flying?

Flying in Sanddestin, Florida.  It's beach area is not in a NFZ zone.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

dronist Posted at 2017-4-22 18:34
App crash will NOT force RTH or AUTO LAND or...  You can still fly the MAVIC even if the app crashes.
Only if the remote controller disconnect than whatever you selected in the RT H will happen.

App had a fatal crash.  When it restarted the first thing on the screen was about the "fixed wing" feature being set, hitting "ignore" repeatedly I finally got to the camera screen.  At that time the screen said "auto land" and NFZ error.  No control over the left stick Up or the Pause button.  It was so low that it was in the ocean before the DJI GO 4 app re-booted completely.
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First Officer
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United States

BengalBoy Posted at 2017-4-23 20:12
App had a fatal crash.  When it restarted the first thing on the screen was about the "fixed wing" feature being set, hitting "ignore" repeatedly I finally got to the camera screen.  At that time the screen said "auto land" and NFZ error.  No control over the left stick Up or the Pause button.  It was so low that it was in the ocean before the DJI GO 4 app re-booted completely.


I don't think any restart would have helped anyway because of the NFZ. Maybe your data file will help clear up the issue. Good Luckk!
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DJI Mindy

Really sorry to hear about the loss of your drone.
I'd suggest you to sync your flight records from the DJI Go app and send an email to with your DJI account email and the date this occurred.
Our engineers will help to analyze the data and let you know what could have caused the issue.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 2017-4-24 03:49
Really sorry to hear about the loss of your drone.
I'd suggest you to sync your flight records from the DJI Go app and send an email to  with your DJI account email and the date this occurred.
Our engineers will help to analyze the data and let you know what could have caused the issue.

Thank you DJI Mindy.  I will get this done today.  I am so upset.  I just got the Mavic after waiting in the hopes all issues would be worked out of this model and its software.  Out of three different phones with 3 different Android OS versions,,, every single one has crashed while flying the Mavic.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 2017-4-24 03:49
Really sorry to hear about the loss of your drone.
I'd suggest you to sync your flight records from the DJI Go app and send an email to  with your DJI account email and the date this occurred.
Our engineers will help to analyze the data and let you know what could have caused the issue.

DJI Mindy,

I synched all my flight records, but, I don't see the flight that lasted for 10 minutes on my device.  Some other way to find the last flight?  

I sent a email to DJI Support per your instructions and opened a case.
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DJI Mindy

BengalBoy Posted at 2017-4-24 13:03
DJI Mindy,

I synched all my flight records, but, I don't see the flight that lasted for 10 minutes on my device.  Some other way to find the last flight?  

Do you mean all the flight records were synced expect the last one?
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Ex Machina
First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States

BengalBoy Posted at 2017-4-23 09:01
I was not in a "NFZ" zone, I double checked when I got back to my buddy's boat.  He is a Pilot with the charts, etc., for his plane on ForeFlight.  Actually, every time I started my Mavic on DJI Go 4 it starts out giving you a "NFZ" error until everything connects and it changes to "Ready to Fly"

Were you near an NFZ?
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Ex Machina
First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States

BengalBoy Posted at 2017-4-24 13:03
DJI Mindy,

I synched all my flight records, but, I don't see the flight that lasted for 10 minutes on my device.  Some other way to find the last flight?  

If your app crashed, the log file probably wasn't closed properly.
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United States

This what i see Blue is restricted airspace.
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United States

BengalBoy Posted at 2017-4-24 05:11
Thank you DJI Mindy.  I will get this done today.  I am so upset.  I just got the Mavic after waiting in the hopes all issues would be worked out of this model and its software.  Out of three different phones with 3 different Android OS versions,,, every single one has crashed while flying the Mavic.

Thats when you should of went to iOS.
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Flight distance : 635531 ft
United States

Correct me if I'm wrong but according to DJI's maps you were in an Authorization Zone as well as multiple Enhanced Warning Zones and a very small Restricted zone a little further west from you. The authorization zone is in yellow and somewhat hard to see but it looks like you needed authorization (you can do this on your on) to fly in this area.


edit: Sorry frequentflyer didnt see your previous post pertaining to this
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

Fractures Posted at 2017-4-25 07:45
Correct me if I'm wrong but according to DJI's maps you were in an Authorization Zone as well as multiple Enhanced Warning Zones and a very small Restricted zone a little further west from you. The authorization zone is in yellow and somewhat hard to see but it looks like you needed authorization (you can do this on your on) to fly in this area.


No, I was not in a NFZ zone.  As I said, you can watch the video of the flight in the link I provided.

#1.  The Mavic was launched from the beach area in which it was being flown and the video was being streamed.  Upon initial start up, the "NFZ" error flashed on screen for several seconds while the DJI Go 4 app booted up.  It finally booted and gave me the "Ready to Fly" screen.  At this time, on a whim, I tried the Facebook Live streaming feature in the DJI Go 4 app.  It works, I'm excited, and I begin to record the flight while still sitting on the beach.  I then launch the Mavic Pro into the air and proceed to fly and live stream its flight for about 10 minutes before the DJI Go 4 app crashes.  At the end of the video you will see the location is almost directly in front  of me/home point on the beach.  This is where the Mavic auto landed when the DJI GO 4 app restarted.  If I were flying in a NFZ zone it would never have let me fly around like that to begin with.

#2.  My friend Alvin who you will hear me speak to and see on the beach is a Pilot of more than 40 years experience.  He has a flight app he uses in his plane and out of his own curiosity he checked to see if we were in a "NFZ".  The beach location I was flying is not.  Although, you are correct there are many areas along the Emerald Coast that are.  

#3.   The Mavic didn't go into the "auto land" until the DJI Go 4 app restarted.  I'm not sure why, but, after flying DJI drones for almost 4 years, I've lost connection with video many times since the DJI Vision app with the Phantom 2 and DJI Go with my Phantom 4.  Not panicking and simply restarting the app has always served me well.  This was the first time I've ever saw one of my DJI drones "auto land" without me directing it to do so on a restart of the flight app.

Here is the video again for you to watch the flight path out above the Gulf of Mexico, back to the beach, back out over the Gulf of Mexico and a final view back to the beach where I was controlling it.  That last shot is where the Mavic auto landed from about a 60 foot altitude and 1500-2000 foot distance. ... 4377289533212221472

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

FrequentFlyer Posted at 2017-4-25 07:41
Thats when you should of went to iOS.

I don't disagree with you.  At this point, I don't think anyone should try to fly a Mavic using Android devices.  Maybe a CrystalSky monitor?  I will say, I have excellent performance with my Phantom 4 using a cheapo Android tablet running Android 5.0 and DJI GO app.  But, no cellular radios, text messaging, etc running in the background.  I really don't think DJI should even act like its software is designed for Android.  You sell it in a Apple store, the flight app is optimized for iOS first, and all user experience seems to indicate DJI GO 4 flight app rarely crashes with iOS devices as compared to my experience on 3 different Android versions.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

Ex Machina Posted at 2017-4-25 07:07
If your app crashed, the log file probably wasn't closed properly.

Hopefully there is some data in there, but, it does not show up on the flight logs as a separate flight for me to review or upload here.  I have synchronized all flight data and been contacted by DJI on whether I was able to recover the Mavic.  I'm hopeful for a good outcome, but, right now I realize the only good thing I have going for me is the live stream video on Facebook and 3 friends who were sitting beside me on the beach having fun and watching its flight until it wasn't fun anymore...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 2017-4-25 00:35
Do you mean all the flight records were synced expect the last one?

Mindy,  I synched the flight records yesterday, but, I do not see in the DJI GO 4 app the last flight as recorded on Facebook.  A earlier flight that morning over a Marina nearby is the only one that actually shows up as a flight record.  I did receive a email from "John" at DJI asking if I was able to recover the Mavic, unfortunately, I was not.  It sank in the Gulf to far away from the beach to safely go look for it.  Here is the last flight as recorded by FaceBook during its live stream. ... 4377289533212221472
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