 Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
United States
Fractures Posted at 2017-4-25 07:45
Correct me if I'm wrong but according to DJI's maps you were in an Authorization Zone as well as multiple Enhanced Warning Zones and a very small Restricted zone a little further west from you. The authorization zone is in yellow and somewhat hard to see but it looks like you needed authorization (you can do this on your on) to fly in this area.
No, I was not in a NFZ zone. As I said, you can watch the video of the flight in the link I provided.
#1. The Mavic was launched from the beach area in which it was being flown and the video was being streamed. Upon initial start up, the "NFZ" error flashed on screen for several seconds while the DJI Go 4 app booted up. It finally booted and gave me the "Ready to Fly" screen. At this time, on a whim, I tried the Facebook Live streaming feature in the DJI Go 4 app. It works, I'm excited, and I begin to record the flight while still sitting on the beach. I then launch the Mavic Pro into the air and proceed to fly and live stream its flight for about 10 minutes before the DJI Go 4 app crashes. At the end of the video you will see the location is almost directly in front of me/home point on the beach. This is where the Mavic auto landed when the DJI GO 4 app restarted. If I were flying in a NFZ zone it would never have let me fly around like that to begin with.
#2. My friend Alvin who you will hear me speak to and see on the beach is a Pilot of more than 40 years experience. He has a flight app he uses in his plane and out of his own curiosity he checked to see if we were in a "NFZ". The beach location I was flying is not. Although, you are correct there are many areas along the Emerald Coast that are.
#3. The Mavic didn't go into the "auto land" until the DJI Go 4 app restarted. I'm not sure why, but, after flying DJI drones for almost 4 years, I've lost connection with video many times since the DJI Vision app with the Phantom 2 and DJI Go with my Phantom 4. Not panicking and simply restarting the app has always served me well. This was the first time I've ever saw one of my DJI drones "auto land" without me directing it to do so on a restart of the flight app.
Here is the video again for you to watch the flight path out above the Gulf of Mexico, back to the beach, back out over the Gulf of Mexico and a final view back to the beach where I was controlling it. That last shot is where the Mavic auto landed from about a 60 foot altitude and 1500-2000 foot distance. ... 4377289533212221472