Flight distance : 2528264 ft
United States
Aloha Minnesota Q,
The people on YouTube are not always law abiding individuals. The rule is 400 feet from any structure. A mountain is also considered a structure, like a tower. Manned aircraft are to allow a 500 foot buffer from any structure. Of course when push comes to shove, the unmanned vehicle has to give way to the manned vehicle. But, basically this regime allows a 100 foot buffer between manned aircraft and unmanned aircraft. That is the theory that the FAA operates under.
Most respondents to this thread have tried to indicate true points. Some are still learning. All DJI products are computer limited to 500 meters. To go beyond 500 meters, you have to be using a DJI SDK program designed by someone working with DJI. (Think Litchi, but not that Litchi can get you above 500 meters.)
Other than air fields and airports, all sUAV regulations are for AGL as far as our Phantoms are concerned (MSL is only for Class Airspace problems). Mostly, AHP (Above Home Point) is what we deal with, but you determine your homepoint. When we fly our mountain jungles and need extra altitude, we do not hesitate to land at a higher altitude (usually +100 feet), and shut down, so when we restart (and get a new Home Point) we can get another 500 meters. It works and is completely legal. The 500 meter limit is imposed by DJI to limit the liability of our Phantoms getting in the hands if people who could fly into jets and other aircraft (deliberately or not). Smart move by DJI in my opinion!
Hope this helps!
Aloha and Drone On! |