 Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States
Sounds like you had an unfortunate experience. Sorry for that. But you have to put some trust in knowing that most of us have good results. If you are truly in fear or panic about losing your drone again, I understand, but you need to get over the hump or else just not put yourself through that. If it is not enjoyable for you, why do it? One thing I might offer is do you have a friend that you trust that might have a phantom or experience flying? If so, maybe they could check your equipment out for you and make sure everything is setup correctly and fly your aircraft for you to see. That might give you some comfort knowing your aircraft is ok. Just a thought. If you could see your aircraft performing the way it should under someone else's control, maybe your anxiety would go away. Best of luck to you. I hope you can regain your trust because you apparently enjoyed this sport at one time. |