First Officer
United States
ro_flyer Posted at 2017-4-30 16:17
Take good care, and go find a desert for flying, idiot... Yes this is the real me and go # yourself!!
Buy a drone (you clearly don't even have one) , and be happy... Or keep enjoing your life in the couch reading this forum the whole day, and being a pain (MR SECOND OFFICER)....
I thought you are going to be "ignoring sedentary me FOR NOW ON" but I guess your ego could NOT help it "Mr. Trump of Brazil"? Couldn't you?... Couldn't you?
Again you indulge us with your refine intellect "Mr. World Traveler"....
Once you don't have any words to express yourself intelligently, you start by calling people names...
So let's start... You said:
"keep enjoying your life IN the couch"??? I guess you are used to living "IN THE COUCH"!!!
but to me my couch is called: SOGNO... probably you heard of it since you are such "Renowned World Traveler"...
You said:
"Trying to depreciate Brazil" ??? I guess you are really a financial wizzzzzz
Woww, you can "DEPRICIATE the entire country" in one sentence. Bravo, très formidable...
I have few friends from Brazil and they are definitely proud to be from Brazil, (and not like someone we know) and they never put their own people down or degrade them by calling them names like you did in your previous post.
and you call yourself "World Renowned Creative Traveler"!!!
So, in your "Creative Mind", if being careless, flying while endangering other people and properties is boring to you and doesn't qualify to be creative then please "go ahead...make my day" and call me "Mr Boring".
Creative people like you are the one who are endangering the hobby and the industry by helping politicians everywhere enacts more and more restrictions on the drone industry because of their irresponsible, childish stunts and for your information this is "NOT BEING CREATIVE."
Flying over people, flying over streets, flying carelessly so you can have less then 10 votes on Youtube doesn't make you CREATIVE or WANNABE Actor... but an.... You can fill the blanks yourself since you are good at calling people names....
Again, when you grow up and you can manage to have an intelligent and creative debate then you call on me your, friend forever, "Mr. Boring"....
OK...Concorda, meu pequeno amigo