Anybody have this situation like me ? Yesterday, I brought the p4p to the seaside and planned to captured some video footages around there. It was beautiful day, no rain, no high wind...etc.
After 1 minutes took off the p4p, I flew slowly and low altitude,check everything work well before I decided to climb up the drone to a little bit higher. Then suddenly I lost the signal from P4P ( at 4:19in the video, last second before the crash) and you can hear me at the last second I said " aircraft disconnect ". I looked up and saw the P4P fall down from the sky, that's scary moment. I came straight at the drone, the camera gimbal completely destroyed, battery flew away from the drone, the motors stuck because sand inside, it's look really bad.
Then I came home and check flight log and video, it's seem to be normal but it stop record both video and flight log at the last second of crash also disconnect to the control. Look like the P4P reboot the system or power lost in the mid air. What the hell!!!!
Right now, It was sent to the Dji for repair and let them investigate what cause this problem. But this is really bad, I switch from GoPro karma to Dji P4P cause the same issue I have with Karma then now P4P.
Anyone here have this happened like me? I need your advice!!!
Was that the first flight, or just the first flight for that battery?
There are a small number that fail on their first test flight, or sometimes in the first week, I'm sure DJI will replace it under warrantee.
Could you upload the flight log to and give us a link, follow the instructions on the page. We can see more information then, might work out what failed...
Sorry to know what happened to your P4P. You are not alone, I had the same experience, the only difference is mine just flew for 4 seconds while hovering at 2 mt above the ground. It felt and it does not turn on anymore. You can check it out here: ... 4481&fromuid=208349
@negel_ , That's not my 1st flight, before it's really good, I have 2 batteries, first ones I flew the drone with no problem then change to another one and crash happen. May be cause by battery or not ?
apomares-Vzla Posted at 2017-5-4 08:29
Sorry to know what happened to your P4P. You are not alone, I had the same experience, the only difference is mine just flew for 4 seconds while hovering at 2 mt above the ground. It felt and it does not turn on anymore. You can check it out here: ... 4481&fromuid=208349
Did you try to another battery and it's still not turn on ?
I think these aircraft should come with instructions for performing the test flight! IE. don't fly near people or water for the first 10Km.
I agree Nigel, no instructions or any advice how to do the initial test flights before putting into service. I think DJI should do some better tests. It would have saved my P4P from falling at 4 sec on the first flight and crashing.
apomares-Vzla Posted at 2017-5-4 17:23
Correct. I tried with a new full battery and it does not turn on, something is broken inside. Very frustrating indeed.
Did you send the drone back to the dji for service? Just let them investigate what cause the problem. And agree with you that's really frustrating and disappoint about dji product. And for sure they need to improve more quality check before they put it to the market.
You have to sync your flight records first, from within DJI GO 4. Main screen, tap on the top right corner and select "Flight record" , then on the top right corner, just above the Flight List, there is a small cloud icon. Tap on it and then follow the small window that opens.
DJI-Jamie Posted at 2017-5-4 19:30
Just to clarify, is this the whole video, or did you edit the crash? Did this come from the SD card directly or from the cached video on your device?
It has sound, so I think it must come from the P4P+ RC, this would explain why the sound continues for a few seconds after loss of image.
John - Does the video from the SD card continue as it falls?
DJI-Jamie Posted at 2017-5-4 19:30
Just to clarify, is this the whole video, or did you edit the crash? Did this come from the SD card directly or from the cached video on your device?
This is 100% raw video, I took it from DJI Go 4 app. No edit or do anything with the video.
Nigel_ Posted at 2017-5-5 00:37
It has sound, so I think it must come from the P4P+ RC, this would explain why the sound continues for a few seconds after loss of image.
John - Does the video from the SD card continue as it falls?
No, the video from sd card completely shut off when it dropped ,like the whole unit lost the power shut off everything or the drone try to reboot the system. The video from sad card It same with the video I posted here except no sound.
apomares-Vzla Posted at 2017-5-4 17:26
I agree Nigel, no instructions or any advice how to do the initial test flights before putting into service. I think DJI should do some better tests. It would have saved my P4P from falling at 4 sec on the first flight and crashing.
They do have testing before they leave the factory though.. I checked my P4P's data recorder with assistant 2 and found to instances where they did testing and there was data there that showed flights.. I do believe they should have a warning to have a break-in mode (similar to beginner mode) like cars used to when they have a new engine. Maybe after 5 hours of flight time that mode will end and you can fly with full features or something? I know when I first got my P4P I also took it very easy on it and didn't have any crazy flights - and stayed relatively close to the ground. My P4 has been rock solid since I bought it in November (with the exception of a battery shell crack)..
Antonio76 Posted at 2017-5-4 23:57
You have to sync your flight records first, from within DJI GO 4. Main screen, tap on the top right corner and select "Flight record" , then on the top right corner, just above the Flight List, there is a small cloud icon. Tap on it and then follow the small window that opens.
Yes, I've done that several times and nothing shows up.
John_tran Posted at 2017-5-5 05:17
The battery was not on when I came to the drone after crash, then I tried to turn on the battery again and it work normal except the drone was broken.
I've seen this when the battery is not fully seated and "clicked" into the drone. People push them in and do not check to make sure they are seated correctly. However there have also been battery failures as well..
Now this is strange. Are you sure you have set up your DJI account properly? I have noticed that most people in the forum have small icons below their avatars, showing the DJI products they own, but some, like you, don't show any. Maybe this is why you can't synch and show your flight distance.
Antonio76 Posted at 2017-5-5 23:10
Now this is strange. Are you sure you have set up your DJI account properly? I have noticed that most people in the forum have small icons below their avatars, showing the DJI products they own, but some, like you, don't show any. Maybe this is why you can't synch and show your flight distance.
Yea im signed in on forum on DJI app and here's proof I synced it.
John_tran Posted at 2017-5-4 18:40
Did you send the drone back to the dji for service? Just let them investigate what cause the problem. And agree with you that's really frustrating and disappoint about dji product. And for sure they need to improve more quality check before they put it to the market.
Just got the mail labels last week. At this time I am in the process to contacting courier services in Venezuela in order to send the P4P for USA for repair/exchange. It is going to take some time since we have many political issues in this country affecting all kind of import/export services.
Mobilcams Posted at 2017-5-5 04:24
They do have testing before they leave the factory though.. I checked my P4P's data recorder with assistant 2 and found to instances where they did testing and there was data there that showed flights.. I do believe they should have a warning to have a break-in mode (similar to beginner mode) like cars used to when they have a new engine. Maybe after 5 hours of flight time that mode will end and you can fly with full features or something? I know when I first got my P4P I also took it very easy on it and didn't have any crazy flights - and stayed relatively close to the ground. My P4 has been rock solid since I bought it in November (with the exception of a battery shell crack)..
Totally agree. There should be a break-in procedure, recommended by DJI, in order to fully test the drones before getting into normal flight or production. It could save many issues to many people. I always keep my drones in hover for 15-20 sec before flying away as a safety measure to check for any anomalies, but I never thought my P4P was going to fall down from hover, 2mts height, at 4 seconds in the first flight.
apomares-Vzla Posted at 2017-5-10 07:49
Totally agree. There should be a break-in procedure, recommended by DJI, in order to fully test the drones before getting into normal flight or production. It could save many issues to many people. I always keep my drones in hover for 15-20 sec before flying away as a safety measure to check for any anomalies, but I never thought my P4P was going to fall down from hover, 2mts height, at 4 seconds in the first flight.
That's so unfortunate.. At least it wasn't above a person or something (Even though we aren't supposed to fly over people or cars, it does happen time to time)..
Mobilcams Posted at 2017-5-10 10:07
That's so unfortunate.. At least it wasn't above a person or something (Even though we aren't supposed to fly over people or cars, it does happen time to time)..
Well almost. I usually take off from my co-pilot hands I don't like the dust getting into the motors or the camera. Since it was in the air hovering at 1 mt above her for 4 seconds, before crashing, she had time to walk 3 steps away. Who can imagine a first flight could last only 4 seconds? Next time I will ask her to run away after taking off.
Pretty fast rotation at 25 seconds. If the battery wasn't locked properly, it might have been dislodged. I've only semi-locked the battery before, quite easy to do, luckily no crash though.
I bought DJI phantom 4 pro a month ago, only flew less than 10 times since then. After I was
flying today for about 20 min, battery was about 35%, so I flew it back. When it reached in front
of me about 15 feet above, it suddenly lost power, propellers stopped, crashed straight to the
ground in front of my eyes. After crash, the battery still has 30% battery left, so I
think it must be a defective drone or battery. I am contacting customer service.
If you want to discuss this, and possibly have your flight analysed to find out what happened, then start your own thread on the subject. These 'me too' threads go nowhere.
Mr Pete Posted at 2017-5-5 03:34
I too have had this problem, check my previous posts for the details, I'm now on my 3rd Phantom 4 and still don't feel confident with the product.
why this does not even surprise me, because of seeing these different problems, it is clear that this product is not reliable!
fans692aab3f Posted at 2017-9-16 18:23
I bought DJI phantom 4 pro a month ago, only flew less than 10 times since then. After I was
flying today for about 20 min, battery was about 35%, so I flew it back. When it reached in front
of me about 15 feet above, it suddenly lost power, propellers stopped, crashed straight to the
hi, have you contacted dji, if yes what was there reply.