United Kingdom
I have been having problems with Connecting the aircraft to the RC ever since I received it and when it did I lost conection everytime during flight that was before I upgraded to the lastest firmware which I have done, The strange this is after I updated both the RC and the Mavic It connected after and seemed to be fine but as the weather was bad I didnt give it a test flight,
I have now Taken it out to fly and yet again it will not connect, I have just checked all firmware on both again and are both upto date,
I have also tried linking the RC to the aircraft and that wont work,
Should I downgrade firmware again or just send it back to DJI?
Because of this I havent bothered flying the Mavic as I have been using my P4 pro+ instead but now ive just about had enough of the Mavic,
I really hope someone can help me with this, Thanks in advance