 Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
Hi sorry to hear you had trouble with your Mavic please post your logs as others have said to airdata or phantom help.
Some things to remember when flying on windy days, always try to fly into the wind on your outward journey.
You could have cancelled RTH and flew aircraft back manually, you can fly at speed of 40mph in sport mode and this is what you should have done when you realised it was making no headway, you can use radar in bottom left hand corner to get your heading and use telemetry to work out how fast you are making ground.
These are reasons why if your inexperienced you should keep your craft in VLOS and 1.2 miles is to far .
This is all about managing risk, if you are flying on a windy day, consider all your options and plan how you are going to fly a mission plan how you are going to get craft home, plan in the event of something happening what you are going to do,
If you do this you will always have more than one option, which you were relying on .
Now it maybe something else happened and it may not have been your fault, in order to get help you need to post your logs.