 Second Officer
Flight distance : 218474 ft
United States
fans06b77ccc Posted at 2017-5-13 17:27
Altitude is your friend. Climb at least 50 feet above the highest obstacle before flying forward from the takeoff point. Always land straight down with the green light facing you so all stick controls are intuitive. Before landing straight down, point the camera straight down to scope out the landing area. Always check for greater than 10 satellites before taking off, and make sure it updates the home location. After you take off, and before you climb, rotate the Mavic 360 to assure the radar compass agrees with the direction. Practice, practice.......and learn from the mistakes others have made before you also own them.
Honestly, for the actual flying part, this is the best advice. If you are flying at an altitude above anything you can crash into, you'll have a really good time and feel a lot more confident. after to ascend to a good level, just give the Mavic a slow spin and verify that you are higher than anything around, then have em fun flying.
Practice starting and stopping, climbing and diving, hovering, camera modes, etc. Get some really good flying in before getting near a lot of crashable stuff. It'll make a big difference. |