Ok, so after looking at this I think I really need to get some filters, the sun is pretty strong down here, and this is almost winter! (water temp is still 22.6° celcius)..
Anyway, enjoy a tour around the river mouth of Noosa Heads, QLD, Australia. The last scene of the water behind the boat is full of mullet - 100's or probably 1000's of them. They were there the whole time I was there and were jumping and splashing and carrying on so much I though one would land in the boat.
This was the first flight after successfully upgrading to .700, which went through no probs. The first battery was spent entirely over solid ground, just getting a feel for anything weird - tested several things including RTH and everything worked perfectly so got a little more adventurous.
Cheers, Dave.
Filmed at 2.7k 25fps, D-Cinema, +1,0,0, No filters, no post production changes, just edited in Shotcut and exported at 1080p.