Bent Kangaroo
Flight distance : 362510 ft
Hey peoples, i have this question as the title states.
Yesturday i drove to beach with for a flight to test a new battery that was a replacement for a failed one. (thankyou DJI and EE Hobbies Melb).
I suspected the FW would not align with my AC .400 FW. I started the MAvic inside house prior to beach trip and was awaiting FW update indicator and had full wifi.
No update option was given, so to cut it short, when i loaded this battery down at the beach with no sim and no wifi, it wantede FW update for battery. Ok i said and slowly for about 5 minutes it made it to 100% and confirmed update success.
Does this happen over satelite?
I cant figure how else it could have updated and consider the waiting time to long for the FW to be cached.
Anyone know about this topic?