Mark The Droner
 First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States
micron929rr Posted at 2018-7-24 04:19
Are you a licensed remote pilot?
Have you noticed if the "wall" is in legit airspace? Is their "wall" accurate or does it cause issues? How long does it take to unlock
Are you a licensed remote pilot?
A: No. I feel I would be at a disadvantage flying 107 since I live in the DC SFRA and I would have to call the feds before every flight. I am happy flying Part 101.
Have you noticed if the "wall" is in legit airspace?
A: Your asking if the DJI zone matches the FAA airspace restriction. The geo map is geared for hobby rules, not 107 rules. In this case, a 101 pilot is required to notify the airport and the wall is at that point - five miles from the airport. So yes, the two zones match in this case. However, the airspace is Class G, so a 107 pilot normally wouldn't have to do anything (except in this case he'd have to call the feds as mentioned above). Yet, he would still have to deal with DJI's self-unlock.
Is their "wall" accurate or does it cause issues?
A: It's accurate. It only causes issues if I forget to self unlock. But there are plenty of places in the US where the geo map is not at all accurate because of oddly shaped controlled airspace areas. Geo areas are always perfect circles which is an obvious problem.
How long does it take to unlock
A: To self-unlock? A minute or two.
Would you be willing to provide me specifics on how it works?
A: Sure.
I was going to purchase a P4P V2, but I cancelled my order until I understand more about this "wonderful feature".
I'm looking at the Geo Zone Map on the Go App. I see yellow, green and red markers. There is a green marker inside of a red marker...which makes no sense at all.
A: You can self unlock within the green area. You may not fly in the red area. You can try to custom unlock, but you have to have all the necessary documentation sent to the unlocking site - which I believe is a third-party site. It will take several day or more. And your request may be denied.
The yellow areas are a little more complicated. My understanding is you cannot fly in the center of a yellow area even if you self unlock. I believe it's a half mile radius which is restricted. After that I believe it's a graduated height thing to the edge of the yellow zone. This is awkwardly described in the manual which is online. I've never tested this.