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Spark has better image ''quality'' than mavic
23372 26 2017-5-24
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How could this be happning that drone cost 1K$ has weird color effects and vignetting and a drone 499$ that has better optical.
i mean, i know the spark is only 1080p and all... but dont know if lot of users notice the mavic has bad color shift and vignetting, just suprised that there isnt any simailar effects on the spark, none.
for example.
look at 6:44.
look how clear image on the spark while mavic has color shift.
and im sure other people have this on their mavic .
frustrated .

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Flight distance : 473389 ft

yep that was my presumption from the start of the thread where they announced the launch event of spark...they screwed badly mavic camera such a unfortunate waste...for such an innovative drone and such big waiting for one...and they seem that could or not do nothing to improve it... on mavic it is really really a very bad camera...vignette, color shift, noise over noise or horrendous noise reduction... from that aspect I really cry for spending over 1600 Euro on it
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UK Stu 5
Flight distance : 67986 ft
United Kingdom

i see the mavic also has the typical horizon issues
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Flight distance : 473389 ft

yep it has...shifting horizon when flying left/right....
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23 ft
United States

daivatam Posted at 2017-5-24 12:49
yep it has...shifting horizon when flying left/right....

Used to have bad horizon too, needed a IMU calibration from the fridge and that did it.
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Flight distance : 1726486 ft
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New Zealand

The Mavic footage looks nothing like 4k or even 2.7k, but looks AWFULLY like it's horrible and in famously useless 1080 60p!!!!! Something is not right there.
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UK Stu 5 Posted at 2017-5-24 12:21
i see the mavic also has the typical horizon issues

Horizon tilt issues are caused by how you fly.  When turning you need to have coordinated roll and yaw.  If you do the horizon stays level.  This takes lots of practice.  Essentially there can be no y axis acceleration in the turn.  It would be nice if DJI put a y acceleration gauge on the screen, like the ball gauge on a full sized aircraft instrument panel.  I've practiced lots, check out my miles under my logo.
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United States

Hmm, Ive seen some amazing post prod 4k video come from a Mavic. I would certainly not put the spark in the same category. It is cool and I do want it though
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First Officer
Flight distance : 700846 ft
United States

Hummingbird.UAV Posted at 2017-5-24 13:29
Horizon tilt issues are caused by how you fly.  When turning you need to have coordinated roll and yaw.  If you do the horizon stays level.  This takes lots of practice.  Essentially there can be no y axis acceleration in the turn.  It would be nice if DJI put a y acceleration gauge on the screen, like the ball gauge on a full sized aircraft instrument panel.  I've practiced lots, check out my miles under my logo.

When turning you need to have coordinated roll and yaw.  If you do the horizon stays level.  This takes lots of practice.

That doesn't hold water.  It does it on a hover with only azimuth change.  Same thing on the Phantom3.  I notice my Mavic is much better than the P3.  The symptom usually works like this.  Put it in the air and look at the horizon.  Rotate 360, stop and watch.  Rotate the other way and do the same.  It sometimes settles into close to level after 15 seconds or so.
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Bent Kangaroo
Flight distance : 362510 ft

" Spark has better image ''quality'' than mavic "

Well that wouldnt be hard at 1080
The Mavic sux at 1080 and this release of a 1080 limited drone show how far out of touch DJI are.

" Horizon tilt issues are caused by how you fly. "

mmm Nuh.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1941322 ft
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United States

yeah I saw his shoddy comparison...and shoddy it was!  No clue what the settings were on his Mavic...but they sure looked off to me!  I wouldn't make in judgement on this qusi-review.
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United States

I love how Casey talks about being under investigation by the FAA for flying drones in NY and Airspace and there is a plane flying behind him @5:20 LMAO
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TroutboyNZ Posted at 2017-5-24 13:01
The Mavic footage looks nothing like 4k or even 2.7k, but looks AWFULLY like it's horrible and in famously useless 1080 60p!!!!! Something is not right there.

No talking about 4K or 2.7K or image resolution

The Main subject that Mavic has COLOR SHIFT + Vignetting.
Why? its because how lens were build in mavic are terrible.

DJI Replied and say even the small camera phones have this issue , but the truth is that they worked very fast for that drone and im sorry but 1,000$ is lot of money that i spend that are not worth.
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United States

What kind of comparison is that?  He took native Mavic video at 4K, and 1080p from the Spark and upscaled and processed it to 4K.  So one has been run through whatever upscaler processor he picked, could have been bicubic, or could have been using a high quality one like Lanczos, and who knows what filters he applied....

Biggest BS comparison I have ever seen since one is RAW native and one is deeply processed.  This is not Apples to Apples here.  A proper comparison is to use his Mavic at 1080p which also looks awesome assuming you stay at 30 FPS or less.  I feel like I just wasted 8 minutes of my time that I will never get back.  And the people that see it will think wow!  The Spark has awesome 4K video!  ....When it doesn't!

And he even screwed up the size comparison.  The one thing I wanted to see is the Mavic folded up next to the Spark so I can do a real size comparison for traveling, and I didn't even get that!  I could care less about size of the Mavic unfolded next to spark!  That is like comparing the Phantom next to an unfolded Mavic!  Pointless.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1397858 ft
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United States

I think this is a better comparison video.

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Xman1 Posted at 2017-5-26 06:23
What kind of comparison is that?  He took native Mavic video at 4K, and 1080p from the Spark and upscaled and processed it to 4K.  So one has been run through whatever upscaler processor he picked, could have been bicubic, or could have been using a high quality one like Lanczos, and who knows what filters he applied....

Biggest BS comparison I have ever seen since one is RAW native and one is deeply processed.  This is not Apples to Apples here.  A proper comparison is to use his Mavic at 1080p which also looks awesome assuming you stay at 30 FPS or less.  I feel like I just wasted 8 minutes of my time that I will never get back.  And the people that see it will think wow!  The Spark has awesome 4K video!  ....When it doesn't!

i didnt talked about resolutions ,
if you are pro photgrapher, you know how lens work and what effects have on it.
Mavic lens are very bad, vignetting effect and color shade .
read before post
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2:41 Yes Mavic still lose at his point of the Lens optics.
Look how vignetting and color diffrence far away on the hoses bright and the sides are blue... while spark footage is "clean".
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United States

Flyinglow Posted at 2017-5-26 07:07
i didnt talked about resolutions ,
if you are pro photgrapher, you know how lens work and what effects have on it.
Mavic lens are very bad, vignetting effect and color shade .

This was not directed at you.  I wasn't even replying to what you wrote.  I was replying to the video.

One note though...  I assume you know this, if you are a pro photographer, you would know that the focal length on the Spark is also the same as the Mavic, so the vignetting should be the same.  The Spark may have better post proccessing to get rid of it though.  I could be wrong on that last part though.
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United States

Asainz320 Posted at 2017-5-26 07:15
I always laugh when I see someone talking about being a "pro photographer" and how bad the camera of the Mavic is. Since I saw the Mavic when they released it I knew right away that the camera was not going to be the best. I also see people saying "..but its a $1k drone!!", yes it is expensive but you're not paying for the camera quality on this one. You are paying for the form factor and the technology that went into making the damm thing so small and portable. For the its size I think the camera does a great job, Im even impressed at the quality of the shots that I can get with it. I really dont consider myself a pro photographer even though I've been learning and teaching others about photography and editing for more that 15 years. I still feel that for sure there are way better cameras on drones out there, but for me the Mavic does a great job

True that.  The cam is a small phone cam.  It is the gimbal system is where the money is.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1397858 ft
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United States

I always laugh when I see someone talking about being a "pro photographer" and how bad the camera of the Mavic is. Since I saw the Mavic when they released it I knew right away that the camera was not going to be the best. I also see people saying "..but its a $1k drone!!", yes it is expensive but you're not paying for the camera quality on this one. You are paying for the form factor and the technology that went into making the damm thing so small and portable. For the its size I think the camera does a great job, Im even impressed at the quality of the shots that I can get with it. I really dont consider myself a pro photographer even though I've been learning and teaching others about photography and editing for more than 15 years. I still feel that for sure there are way better cameras on drones out there, but for me the Mavic does a great job
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

This is a common occurrence when a new technology is advancing at break neck speed, just like computers, you buy the latest and greatest and then 2 months later it obsolete.
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Flight distance : 36995 ft
United States

This Casey is a whack on FAA, he's a nuisance...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 50642090 ft
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United States

The P4 has a better camera than the Mavic and the sparks has a better camera than the Mavic.  What is going on with the Mavic?
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Dan O
Flight distance : 650768 ft

Xman1 Posted at 2017-5-26 07:08
This was not directed at you.  I wasn't even replying to what you wrote.  I was replying to the video.

One note though...  I assume you know this, if you are a pro photographer, you would know that the focal length on the Spark is also the same as the Mavic, so the vignetting should be the same.  The Spark may have better post proccessing to get rid of it though.  I could be wrong on that last part though.

Same focal length will not give same amount of vignetting. Just think about it, same focal lenght but different angle. this comes from the fact that on Spark image you only use the middle of the sensor as for the rest is cropped away to assure stabilization. So, extreme areas of the lens is not used on the spark. For sure, we all photographers know that middle of the lens will give you best results compared to extreme side of the lens.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 482349 ft
United States

Lucas775 Posted at 2017-6-7 15:20
The P4 has a better camera than the Mavic and the sparks has a better camera than the Mavic.  What is going on with the Mavic?

Never purchased the Mavic for its camera quality or stability ( the P4P is the choice there ), I purchased it for its portability and to be able to have it with me wherever I go in a small Cannon shoulder camera bag 6"x9"x6" which holds the Mavic, Controller,3 batteries, set of filters, CS mount and USB. It is a great quad to have on the road, at the beach or in the backyard for family photos & video. For the compactness overall the Mavic aspires to its selling point " The go Anywhere Drone"
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United States

Yep. I have the spark and just got the mav pro platinum (new old stock). The spark's color blows the mav pro out of the water. not even a comparison.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2273835 ft

Indeed the Spark is amazing considering the size and price.
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