 Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States
I received the new DJI goggles a couple of days ago (May 23rd) and after using them a bit thought I'd share my opinions on them. I bought them to be able to fly in sunlight without using a hood / mount combination and to get what amounts to a larger / more detailed display than my iPad Mini 4 provides. Based on some of the reviews I saw I was concerned about the goggles' weight and the possibility of them making me nauseous, and your mileage may vary on those but I've shared my experiences below:
Overall Experience: This is where the goggles really excel and no video posted online can do it justice. Suffice it to say that the goggles really provide an immersive "you-are-there" experience that makes you feel like you're seeing things from the drone's perspective in a way that no phone or tablet has done for me before.
Display: The display provides far more detail than my iPad Mini 4 and does a much better job than my tablet / hood combination of blocking sunlight. I do get a small amount of light bleeding in from the bottom / nose and side / temple portion of the goggles, but even with the goggles at only 50% brightness that light doesn't affect my ability to see the display at all.
Comfort / weight: Like most people I've found them to be very comfortable while worn, and the weight has been a non-issue. In fact, I don't "notice" them at all while I'm wearing them, and the only time they do feel a little heavy is when the visor (main part) is flipped up away from my eyes, at which point the weight in the front becomes noticeable and mildly unpleasant.
Nausea: This hasn't been a big problem for me. I did start to feel slightly sick after about an hour on the first day and then once again on the second day when doing lots of yawing at high speeds, but I don't often fly that way so it's not a big deal. At this point I seem to be fine when flying straight or with gentle curves, and I'm guessing that even sharp yawing won't be a problem after a while.
Battery: The first thing I noticed when I got them is that they take a long time to charge. Mine came less than 50% charged and it took me 4+ hours to get them fully charged. The flip side of that, though, is that once they're charged you can use them for a long time without recharging, which I think is a good thing. I'd much rather charge less, even if the less-frequent charging takes a while.
Data Overlay: I like the information that's displayed on the screen (height, distance, etc.) because it gives a lot information without being obtrusive. My only complaint is that it appears that all the information is displayed in metric units and there's no way -- at least not an obvious one -- to display it in imperial units instead.
Head Tracking: I tried this and think it's a nice feature, but found that I actually prefer not to use it -- at least for now -- because it's a little confusing. For example, I can be flying and find the video drifting (say) to the left, which makes me want to correct with the stick until I realize that it was occurring because I accidentally moved my head slightly to the left; in other words, it takes me an instant to realize that it's really only the camera -- and not the entire aircraft -- that's yawing. I'm used to there being a direct connection between my (conscious) input through the sticks and what I see on FPV, but head tracking muddies that relationship a bit and leaves me with less confidence in the mental picture I keep in my head of what's nearby. Part of the problem is that the head tracking is very sensitive, so maybe that's something that can be made adjustible in a future version of the goggle firmware.
Overall the goggles make an even better hood / mount / tablet substitute than I expected without the disadvantages that I was concerned about, so I'm very happy with them.
P.S. You don't need to upgrade your Mavic's firmware (I'm still using .0400) to use the goggles but you do need to upgrade the DJI Assistant 2 software in order to active them through that application.