 DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States
Are you sure it's v4.0, or is it 4.0.8? Do you see any difference when selecting a customer channel instead of leaving it on auto? If you haven't already, try the following button combinations to make sure that the communication between the RC and aircraft are solid:
Reset the RC of any presets:
* Turn on the controller, and the aircraft should be off.
* Press C1, C2, and shutter on the controller then turn the controller off.
* Turn on both the aircraft and the controller and link the remote.
Manually relink the RC to the aircraft:
* Turn on both the aircraft and the controller.
* Press C1, C2, and the record button on the controller, then the controller will beep like D-DD. This may take a few seconds of holding it.
*While holding the buttons, press the wheel on the right side of the controller and then the first light of the controller will become blue and it will constantly beep DDDD.
* Use a pen to click the linking button on the aircraft and hold for 3-5 seconds, and then take the pen off the aircraft and wait, it will be linked soon.
After that, double check your antenna positions and ensure that your iPad is a little more upright so as not to incur interference with the RF. Make sure that there aren't any additional apps running in the background of the mobile device.