Eric ncfwa
Flight distance : 322526 ft
I started with P3S in January this year & now have the P4P, P3S has been great just a bit of live video interference during some flights, camera sd card footage very good, great to fly. Only had 2 flights with P4P due to work & weather, first flight a bit scary, interference issues, switched itself to atti mode, lucky I was watching very carefully flew it back, it regained sat mode landed it then reviewed pre flight instructions, I may have missed something. Second flight a lot better, just losing signal often,video recording shutting down every 51 seconds . After consulting dji forum I believe the problem is my tablet galaxy tab A 9.7 does not have enough computing power left. I have purchased a Nvidia Shield K1 that will be my dedicated drone tablet, will try it out tomorrow. Thanks to all the positive feedback & info posted it has helped me a great deal
Regards Eric ncfwa |