Bill in Ohio
United States
Rodger Marjama Posted at 2017-6-5 15:29
Mine is ordered, but I am sorry to hear about the focus issue. I have pretty bad astigmatism so I might not like what I will see too much either. I am a bit pron to headaches if my eyes have problems with focusing, which happens quite a bit these days. I guess I can hope for the best and do my best to make them work if there's a problem. Sure don't want to not have these to use, as the reason I ordered them is because sunlight screen washout makes real problems for me. Guess we'll see.
You will need to get prescription "Reading" glasses, as best I can tell. I have an older pair a couple of prescriptions old and have astigmatism. They work pretty good, unlike my naked eyes. Progressives not, because they are far distant (long range focus) at the top medium range focus in the middle and reading (close focus) near the bottom. I have no idea what distance from the eye is the sweet spot.
At Walmart optical store, they said they $9 frames and $19 prescription lenses for a total of $28. They can do an exams for about $56. If you have had an exam, just get your optometrist to give you the prescription info to order the lenses.