Above the steam rally....
2753 39 2017-5-28
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Flight distance : 324442 ft
United Kingdom

Some simple views above a steam rally, kind of boring being stuck out over a field

If you want to see some action I took some Osmo shots as well

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Flight distance : 136686 ft


No Steam Powered Drones?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1423930 ft
United States

You set a great example sir!  I appreciate your mindfulness of the crowd below, never operating above them! Excellent work!  Boring,not really!  Safe, definitely! Safety First! Ken.
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Flight distance : 1517451 ft
United States

My other hobby is Steam Everything,So thank you for his ,I love it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324442 ft
United Kingdom

Cabansail Posted at 2017-5-28 14:10
No Steam Powered Drones?

Unfortunately not, but I have some ideas to make mine look a bit more steam punk. Maybe they'd let it on site then...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324442 ft
United Kingdom

Highasakite Posted at 2017-5-28 15:18
You set a great example sir!  I appreciate your mindfulness of the crowd below, never operating above them! Excellent work!  Boring,not really!  Safe, definitely! Safety First! Ken.

Thanks, seems a little unfair, they're allowed to drive 50 tonnes of metal, 1000 litres of boiling water, scorching hot metal amongst the people. Queue for the minor burns tent was quite long. But NO DRONES
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324442 ft
United Kingdom

Rob1962 Posted at 2017-5-28 17:00
My other hobby is Steam Everything,So thank you for his ,I love it.

Thanks, stay tuned some more coming. If I can lure one out into the field I'll get my drone all over it
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

Matt-and-Riley Posted at 2017-5-29 01:16
Thanks, seems a little unfair, they're allowed to drive 50 tonnes of metal, 1000 litres of boiling water, scorching hot metal amongst the people. Queue for the minor burns tent was quite long. But NO DRONES

They will all have their safety certificates having undergone the relevant tests, your drone does not have a safety certificate...

If one did suffer a boiler explosion it would be a lot nastier than a drone crash, but many decades of experience shows that they are safe.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
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United States

Looks like a great time for all ages.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324442 ft
United Kingdom

Nigel_ Posted at 2017-5-29 04:43
They will all have their safety certificates having undergone the relevant tests, your drone does not have a safety certificate...

If one did suffer a boiler explosion it would be a lot nastier than a drone crash, but many decades of experience shows that they are safe.

And they are completely over engineered, no one there could remember one blowing up.

But still the risk of minor injury, on par with a drone strike, was huge. Kids constantly reaching out to touch things. Not a single 'Caution maybe hot' notice. I like it, way it should be, just let me fly my drone around

No more video, they all left covered up on low loaders, missed the few that went by road
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Flight distance : 125738 ft
United Kingdom

Loved steam, loved this.  I believe if you mixed the best 5-8 minutes of the second one with the first one you would have an even more superduper video (well for steam nuts that is...)  thanks for sharing  
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

That's pretty cool! Thanks for sharing.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324442 ft
United Kingdom

pritchiedotcom Posted at 2017-6-1 13:33
Loved steam, loved this.  I believe if you mixed the best 5-8 minutes of the second one with the first one you would have an even more superduper video (well for steam nuts that is...)  thanks for sharing

Thanks. Agree, rushed it out on the same day to get it online. One day I'll do another edit with it all in one.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324442 ft
United Kingdom

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2017-6-1 21:08
That's pretty cool! Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Jamie
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Matt-and-Riley Posted at 2017-5-29 01:16
Thanks, seems a little unfair, they're allowed to drive 50 tonnes of metal, 1000 litres of boiling water, scorching hot metal amongst the people. Queue for the minor burns tent was quite long. But NO DRONES

Can you blame them? They don't want idiots flying over their heads and crashing into their kids!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324442 ft
United Kingdom

FlyingSmasher Posted at 2017-6-2 15:11
Can you blame them? They don't want idiots flying over their heads and crashing into their kids!

'Go away' you stupid little troll boy. had enough of you and your fake accounts.
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Flight distance : 125738 ft
United Kingdom

Just showed my son the 2nd one as he loves wheels and engineering. At the end all I got was... again! again!
Now we've got plans to go to one ourselves.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324442 ft
United Kingdom

pritchiedotcom Posted at 2017-6-3 01:05
Just showed my son the 2nd one as he loves wheels and engineering. At the end all I got was... again! again!
Now we've got plans to go to one ourselves.

It's a good day out, plenty of them around the country - https://www.steamheritage.co.uk/steam_rallies_and_events

Here was my naughty video from last year, before I knew about laws or how to fly it properly...

And some more machines in action

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4515404 ft
United States

That is very fascinating, thanks for posting it.
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Flight distance : 125738 ft
United Kingdom

Matt-and-Riley Posted at 2017-6-1 01:18
And they are completely over engineered, no one there could remember one blowing up.

But still the risk of minor injury, on par with a drone strike, was huge. Kids constantly reaching out to touch things. Not a single 'Caution maybe hot' notice. I like it, way it should be, just let me fly my drone around

yeah, in those days the science involved a bit of guess work, so to edge on the side of caution they included large tolerance values..  Engineers also normally owned and managed the businesses that created the engines, so form followed profit.
These days, we factor in all our science and knowledge to create something that satisfy the requirements predicted for the (short) future at a minimum of cost.  The problem is the future does not always listen to our predictions and engineered objects have to deal with more and for longer than estimated.  eg. bridges have more traffic including heaver vehicles than people estimated while also dealing with worse weather than recorded by pasted empirical evidence (yes that's probably due to climate change Mr Trump).  I believe people love steam engines as they represent a golden age of engineering innovation, simplicity and beauty at the same time...  though I cannot imagine them scaling up to meet today's needs...  Just think of the M25 full of steam driven transport! LOL
Oh and a steam powered drone?  well someone did patent an aerial steam carriage in 1840s.  The idea never took off though.. (sorry couldn't resist it)
Thanks for sharing (if I've not already said it)
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Flight distance : 125738 ft
United Kingdom

Matt-and-Riley Posted at 2017-6-3 01:40
It's a good day out, plenty of them around the country - https://www.steamheritage.co.uk/steam_rallies_and_events

I see nothing wrong, illegal or unsafe about this footage.  What laws do you feel you've broken, only one I can think of is if the owner of the land prohibits drone flying and has given you advanced notice that your right to be there would be revoked if such activity was taken (UK trespass laws).  You're not flying over crowds, busy traffic or built up area.  What do others thinks? (sensible and not troll responses).
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Flight distance : 125738 ft
United Kingdom

FlyingSmasher and Matt-and-Riley..  Please just stop it.. you are ruining it for others who use this forum to share their work and experiences.  My son is five, and he can read.  He can read words he should not have to, and I should not have to explain to him that sometimes adults act like they are naughty children who find enjoyment out of being nasty to others.  May DJI should implement a traffic light system  Green (all good), Orange (you are on warning), Red (you're cooling off for a period of time), Black (lights out and so is your account... permanently).. Just a thought really...
anyway.. you all have a nice day you hear.. (its sunny here so I am)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

pritchiedotcom Posted at 2017-6-3 01:05
Just showed my son the 2nd one as he loves wheels and engineering. At the end all I got was... again! again!
Now we've got plans to go to one ourselves.

If you can, try the Great Dorset Steam Fair at the start of September, an event you will never forget:

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

pritchiedotcom Posted at 2017-6-3 03:26
I see nothing wrong, illegal or unsafe about this footage.  What laws do you feel you've broken, only one I can think of is if the owner of the land prohibits drone flying and has given you advanced notice that your right to be there would be revoked if such activity was taken (UK trespass laws).  You're not flying over crowds, busy traffic or built up area.  What do others thinks? (sensible and not troll responses).

Page 4 of the Drone Code: http://dronesafe.uk/drone-code/

Also, flying that close to all that steel and ancient rotating generators full of magnetic fields of unknown strength might not be too wise.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324442 ft
United Kingdom

pritchiedotcom Posted at 2017-6-3 03:26
I see nothing wrong, illegal or unsafe about this footage.  What laws do you feel you've broken, only one I can think of is if the owner of the land prohibits drone flying and has given you advanced notice that your right to be there would be revoked if such activity was taken (UK trespass laws).  You're not flying over crowds, busy traffic or built up area.  What do others thinks? (sensible and not troll responses).

The site owners wanted me there, we did a quick safety thing and all was ok.

But in Law - within 50m of people not under my control, crowds and congested areas are badly defined, both could be argued in that situation.

I think once a venue like that opens to the public the whole place becomes 'congested' or a no fly zone.

ps.. I'll try to moderate my language, and I've removed the offending comment
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324442 ft
United Kingdom

Nigel_ Posted at 2017-6-3 03:49
If you can, try the Great Dorset Steam Fair at the start of September, an event you will never forget:


Nice. The ploughing would have made a good drone shot, looked out of the way from the crowds.
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Flight distance : 125738 ft
United Kingdom

Nigel_ Posted at 2017-6-3 04:14
Page 4 of the Drone Code: http://dronesafe.uk/drone-code/

Also, flying that close to all that steel and ancient rotating generators full of magnetic fields of unknown strength might not be too wise.

When the footage was taken there where no crowds.  All that steel?  Really?  That's down the pilots competence.  eg. if line of sight is kept and no Faraday cage is put between the transmitter and UAV and do not see a problem with the steel.  The compass may not be accurate, however if you risk assessment considers you pilots skill are not up to flying it back without using "home" then yes you shouldn't be flying it anywhere near people and objects that may block transmission.  You risk assessment should also highlight the need to hover and not RTH on signal failure.
"magnetic fields", simple don't fly near them.
If there were crowds of people I would be in total agreement with you, however again, with a good risk assessment and the mitigation of identified risks I feel a good pilot could fly there with minimum risk to people.  This also includes choosing what drone I'd use.  Have you seen the marketing of the spark?  I feel there is an example of not considering the safety of people while flying a drone.. but hey,what do I know.  :-)  Thanks for your feedback though.. I thought I was a bit OTT on safety considering some of the videos I've seen on this forum (really dislike drones being flown over moving traffic).  
Its always good to ready other people views.
So what would you do if you were commissioned to take UAV footage of the event?
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Flight distance : 125738 ft
United Kingdom

Matt-and-Riley Posted at 2017-6-3 04:16
The site owners wanted me there, we did a quick safety thing and all was ok.

But in Law - within 50m of people not under my control, crowds and congested areas are badly defined, both could be argued in that situation.

"I'll try to moderate my language, and I've removed the offending comment"
all credit to you..  I do appreciate some situations can be frustrating, but don't let anyone get the better of you.  Walk away and come back if you feel you really need to reply, and reply like you are standing in front of a public crowds (with the Pope in the front you) as the internet is just that, public.  :-)
All good.. Right, let's have a look at Dorest..
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pritchiedotcom Posted at 2017-6-4 13:31
"I'll try to moderate my language, and I've removed the offending comment"
all credit to you..  I do appreciate some situations can be frustrating, but don't let anyone get the better of you.  Walk away and come back if you feel you really need to reply, and reply like you are standing in front of a public crowds (with the Pope in the front you) as the internet is just that, public.  :-)
All good.. Right, let's have a look at Dorest..

Really, Are you kidding me...

Did you read any of his posts?

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pritchiedotcom Posted at 2017-6-4 13:10
When the footage was taken there where no crowds.  All that steel?  Really?  That's down the pilots competence.  eg. if line of sight is kept and no Faraday cage is put between the transmitter and UAV and do not see a problem with the steel.  The compass may not be accurate, however if you risk assessment considers you pilots skill are not up to flying it back without using "home" then yes you shouldn't be flying it anywhere near people and objects that may block transmission.  You risk assessment should also highlight the need to hover and not RTH on signal failure.
"magnetic fields", simple don't fly near them.
If there were crowds of people I would be in total agreement with you, however again, with a good risk assessment and the mitigation of identified risks I feel a good pilot could fly there with minimum risk to people.  This also includes choosing what drone I'd use.  Have you seen the marketing of the spark?  I feel there is an example of not considering the safety of people while flying a drone.. but hey,what do I know.  :-)  Thanks for your feedback though.. I thought I was a bit OTT on safety considering some of the videos I've seen on this forum (really dislike drones being flown over moving traffic).  

Laws are created so idiots pilots don't risk hurting innocent people. Middle of his shoot he went above people.
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pritchiedotcom Posted at 2017-6-3 03:41
FlyingSmasher and Matt-and-Riley..  Please just stop it.. you are ruining it for others who use this forum to share their work and experiences.  My son is five, and he can read.  He can read words he should not have to, and I should not have to explain to him that sometimes adults act like they are naughty children who find enjoyment out of being nasty to others.  May DJI should implement a traffic light system  Green (all good), Orange (you are on warning), Red (you're cooling off for a period of time), Black (lights out and so is your account... permanently).. Just a thought really...
anyway.. you all have a nice day you hear.. (its sunny here so I am)

This forum is for drone pilots and not 5 year old kids and they should not be reading the forum on their own before their parents screened the site.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324442 ft
United Kingdom

FlyingSmasher Posted at 2017-6-4 19:37
This forum is for drone pilots and not 5 year old kids and they should not be reading the forum on their own before their parents screened the site.

So when did DJI hand over the forum to you? Must have missed that. This forum is (from the mouth of DJI reps) a family forum with no age restrictions. That's why they have word censors and ask people to behave.

If you have nothing to add to the topic - Steam Rallies - then leave and don't come back again you strange little troll.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

FlyingSmasher Posted at 2017-6-4 19:37
This forum is for drone pilots and not 5 year old kids and they should not be reading the forum on their own before their parents screened the site.

5 year olds don't get to drive steam engines either, but they seem to love reading about them, especially Thomas the Tank Engine!  Plus I have never seen any laws banning 5 year olds from flying drones, although I would hope it would be done under supervision.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

pritchiedotcom Posted at 2017-6-4 13:10
So what would you do if you were commissioned to take UAV footage of the event?

I would probably refuse the commission unless they were paying enough to make it worthwhile me getting some professional training and professional indemnity insurance.   With professional training, if anything happens it is probably going to be treated as an accident instead of dangerous flying/flying in an inappropriate location.

The only real issue I see is that there are people in the video, fairly close to the camera, who are busy doing their own thing, not watching the aircraft or listening for a warning to take cover, if the aircraft was to go out of control and head towards one of them then they would not react and get out of the way.  Probably not possible to get them all to stay alert to the danger so it is necessary to keep a reasonable distance in order to reduce the risks.  For some close-ups you can make sure anyone close is ready to take cover, or move the engine to a more open area where everyone is under the pilot's control, otherwise flying at a height of 50m+ would keep within the Drone Code if you consider the area not to be "congested" which I guess would be reasonable until the public arrived.
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Nothing to say?
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Nigel_ Posted at 2017-6-5 02:18
5 year olds don't get to drive steam engines either, but they seem to love reading about them, especially Thomas the Tank Engine!  Plus I have never seen any laws banning 5 year olds from flying drones, although I would hope it would be done under supervision.


Am being sarcastic! Pritchie trying to muzzle everyone in this forum because he let his 5 year old read this forum. Nothing against 5 year old flying or reading and I bet they will have more common sense than this Jekyll and Hyde character and won't fly over major events.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324442 ft
United Kingdom

FlyingSmasher Posted at 2017-6-5 06:04
So what are you doing?

You are teach them to how to "LURE" innocent steam engine into the field so you can...

It seems like the steam engines are upsetting you, no steam engines were harmed in the making of the video. (I did give one a little fondle). Maybe move to another topic if you've got nothing to add.
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Flight distance : 125738 ft
United Kingdom

FlyingSmasher Posted at 2017-6-5 06:13

Am being sarcastic! Pritchie trying to muzzle everyone in this forum because he let his 5 year old read this forum. Nothing against 5 year old flying or reading and I bet they will have more common sense than this Jekyll and Hyde character and won't fly over major events.

"Pritchie trying to muzzle everyone"
Really?  Anyone reading all the comments will see this is simply not true.  I only wished to muzzle those submitted language not appropriate for this forum and those foolish enough to antagonise them in the first place.
I did write a lovely long reply pointing out why you should not antagonise others into using bad language, however as my dad once said, "you cannot shine ..... son, so don't bother trying".  Wise man my dad (love my parents).  It's a shame others don't have such a good relationship with theirs.  Leads to a low self esteem later in life and a need of self validation.   Anyway, wish I could comment further on this thread, however I don't feel I am getting anything of value from it so I am off.
ie.  I am not replying any more.  It is just not worth it.
Have a nice day..
PS. poor Matt-and-Riley, I hope he learns to just start ignoring things that are just not worth reading.
Pritchie has left the building..
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Flight distance : 125738 ft
United Kingdom

FlyingSmasher Posted at 2017-6-6 07:10
Maybe your dad was a nice guy but he missed teaching you ONE important trait,  "NOT to judge other people" before reading and observing all the facts or you will end up sounding like an  

Be careful not to stumble down the stairs.

;-) .............
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

Nicely done.    
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