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If you use an Android device, buy Litchi NOW.
5719 30 2017-5-31
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Flight distance : 487480 ft
New Zealand

When I bought my Mavic Pro a few months back, I also bought Litchi because I wanted to use it to take 360-degree photos. I thought I would always use DJI GO 4 for everything else because it's the official app and must've been safer.
Little did I know! I just gave Litchi a try again and the differences are mind blowing.

Originally DJI GO 4 had given me only a few lags and 1 crash.
Then an update came. The lag became more frequent. Sometimes I had to force my phone to reboot because it completely stopped working and became so hot I couldn't hold it in my hand.
Then another update came. In addition to the lag, the app sometimes said the "Aircraft is disconnected" despite me still controlling the drone until it landed. I captured the screen and after the engineers saw it, they said my RC was having some kind of problem and recommended I send it back for evaluation (which I never did).
Then another update came. Now the lag is 100% reproducible in every flight. I can no longer fly through a single battery without some kind of problem anymore.

So I gave Litchi a try and didn't see a lag or a crash or anything. It just worked. The most surprising thing is that when I followed the same route that gave me the "Aircraft is disconnected" error before, I could go further without it being disconnected and still got 4/5 bars of signal. The aircraft and RC are using the same firmware. I don't know how it is possible but I have to believe my own eyes.

There are a few things I still like more in DJI GO 4 but at this point, I feel like it's the more dangerous one and I'm not going to use it anymore except when there's a new update just to see if it has improved anything or not. I think DJI should stop trying to fix the Android app, fire the Android team or the outsource company they might be using and just buy the company behind Litchi.

If you're about to sell your Mavic Pro because it's become unusable with your Android device, give Litchi a try. I know it's a bit pricey but it saved my drone, plus a lot cheaper than an iOS device.
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Thanks for sharing, i was just wondering how it is possible to make DJI app worse and worse everytime.. Last three times i got airplane disconnected errors, while stil flying drone back to me, it's just crazy.
Going to try Litchi!
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Flight distance : 16759 ft
United Kingdom

ive been using litchi for years its brilliant ;)
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Flight distance : 487480 ft
New Zealand

Irmantast Posted at 2017-5-31 07:12
Thanks for sharing, i was just wondering how it is possible to make DJI app worse and worse everytime.. Last three times i got airplane disconnected errors, while stil flying drone back to me, it's just crazy.
Going to try Litchi!

You're welcome. Hope it works out for you too.
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Flight distance : 487480 ft
New Zealand

bomberuk Posted at 2017-5-31 07:12
ive been using litchi for years its brilliant ;)

I stuck to DJI GO 4 because I thought it was nice to be able to review my photos to check the focus right from within the app or sync my flight logs. Now the app has gotten so bad I'm not using any of those anyway. Even the logs are not always recorded.
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Flight distance : 871430 ft
United States

I would recommend Litchi regardless of your operating system. Great app, few small bugs but nothing major
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Flight distance : 1060853 ft

I went thru the same process and indeed Litchi works.
But I do feel that the dji go has more options: cinematic mode, tripod mode... It's also a different app so you have to relearn it   I'm interested in hearing what you prefer in DJI go over litchi.
But Litchi saved my butt several times when I simply could not fly with DJI go.
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Flight distance : 487480 ft
New Zealand

floco Posted at 2017-5-31 07:57
I went thru the same process and indeed Litchi works.
But I do feel that the dji go has more options: cinematic mode, tripod mode... It's also a different app so you have to relearn it   I'm interested in hearing what you prefer in DJI go over litchi.

Having to relearn it was one of the reasons I didn't switch sooner.

I agree that the DJI GO 4 app has more intelligent flight modes. I also think the user interface looks nicer/cleaner, e.g. I can tell the wind direction/strength by looking at the AC's tilt and roll while it's hovering (or I just can't find them in Litchi yet). In low light conditions, I like to review the photos immediately after I take them to make sure the focus is correct. Maybe I'll miss something else down the road.
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Flight distance : 1060853 ft

I was flying Litchi today and did not find how to disable obstacle sensors. So flying close to trees to create a special effect was simply not possible. Is there no such option?
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Flight distance : 143878 ft
United States

floco Posted at 2017-6-1 03:15
I was flying Litchi today and did not find how to disable obstacle sensors. So flying close to trees to create a special effect was simply not possible. Is there no such option?

It's under "Aircraft." I think it's the "Collision Avoidance" toggle in Litchi to control forward obstacle sensors.
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Flight distance : 487480 ft

floco Posted at 2017-6-1 03:15
I was flying Litchi today and did not find how to disable obstacle sensors. So flying close to trees to create a special effect was simply not possible. Is there no such option?

I found mine here.

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Flight distance : 799718 ft

Thanks for the report ........ I have EXACTLY the same experience with DJI GO 4. Which android device are You running ?
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Flight distance : 700768 ft

Not one single problem with DJI GO 4 over here.
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Flight distance : 310157 ft

Dear Lamz: Could you please tell us which Android device and version are you using?
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Flight distance : 487480 ft

V_kingo Posted at 2017-6-1 07:57
Dear Lamz: Could you please tell us which Android device and version are you using?

I'm using Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge running Android 7.0.
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Flight distance : 487480 ft

Angelo26 Posted at 2017-6-1 07:05
Thanks for the report ........ I have EXACTLY the same experience with DJI GO 4. Which android device are You running ?

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge running Android 7.0.
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Flight distance : 487480 ft

NavigatorNL Posted at 2017-6-1 07:46
Not one single problem with DJI GO 4 over here.

Which version of Android are you running?
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Flight distance : 35020 ft
United States

I was having lots of issues with my Nvida tablet dropping the connection and I was able to still control the Mavic (very scary) and also had the same issues with my pixel XL and my GS7 edge it. all were running their most up to date OS. It wasnt till i rolled back the OS on my tablet to version 6.0 (i think) when the issue stopped. So Im not 100%sure its the apps fault. Before I wouldnt be able to kill one battery before i got a disconnect and now I can kill all 3 battery's without any disconnects.
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Flight distance : 487480 ft

HENROCK67 Posted at 2017-6-1 09:27
I was having lots of issues with my Nvida tablet dropping the connection and I was able to still control the Mavic (very scary) and also had the same issues with my pixel XL and my GS7 edge it. all were running their most up to date OS. It wasnt till i rolled back the OS on my tablet to version 6.0 (i think) when the issue stopped. So Im not 100%sure its the apps fault. Before I wouldnt be able to kill one battery before i got a disconnect and now I can kill all 3 battery's without any disconnects.

But on the other hand, Litchi seems to work just fine on both Android 6.0 and Android 7.0 so I could say there must be something wrong with DJI GO 4.

I'm an Android developer and I understand that some issues are caused by the newer OS but they are usually not hard to fix if they are not device-specific and are easy to reproduce, which seem to be the case judging from all the complaints here.
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Flight distance : 95640 ft

Just wondering: could DJI blame me for not using DJI GO 4 if anything happens?

If I'm not able to provide flight logs (I don't know if litchi has flight logs and if DJI accepts them)
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Flight distance : 487480 ft

Samoth Posted at 2017-6-1 10:16
Just wondering: could DJI blame me for not using DJI GO 4 if anything happens?

If I'm not able to provide flight logs (I don't know if litchi has flight logs and if DJI accepts them)

Litchi can sync the data to and I get even more info than when I sync from DJI GO 4. I've never gotten the battery temperature from DJI GO 4 but I get it from Litchi. Unfortunately, it's not synced to your DJI account and I don't know if DJI accepts them either.

You'll still have the logs from the AC if you can recover it though. From what I heard, they contain more information but I'm not sure if they have some information like the stick positions or not.
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Flight distance : 970374 ft
United States

Iamz Posted at 2017-6-1 10:47
Litchi can sync the data to and I get even more info than when I sync from DJI GO 4. I've never gotten the battery temperature from DJI GO 4 but I get it from Litchi. Unfortunately, it's not synced to your DJI account and I don't know if DJI accepts them either.

You'll still have the logs from the AC if you can recover it though. From what I heard, they contain more information but I'm not sure if they have some information like the stick positions or not.

Thanks for all the useful information about this alternative.  I would really like to do this but it really bugs me that DJI has put me in the position of making a decision like this.  On the plus side it seems that I could be flying my Mavic with a level of confidence not possible with GO4.  On the other hand I need to spend more money, lose some features and face the uncertainty of warranty coverage and log capability.

This situation is horrible and it's all caused by DJIs inability to produce a reliable app and their refusal to take responsibility for it.
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Flight distance : 95640 ft

Iamz Posted at 2017-6-1 10:47
Litchi can sync the data to and I get even more info than when I sync from DJI GO 4. I've never gotten the battery temperature from DJI GO 4 but I get it from Litchi. Unfortunately, it's not synced to your DJI account and I don't know if DJI accepts them either.

You'll still have the logs from the AC if you can recover it though. From what I heard, they contain more information but I'm not sure if they have some information like the stick positions or not.

I'd like to be sure, not to have a bad surprise if anything happens and DJI blames me for using Litchi.

It's so lame from DJI, we have to pay for a third party app because their devs aren't competent enough to make DJI GO 4 work on Android.

I wouodn't be surprised if DJI owns Litchi and makes DJI Go 4 bugged on purpose to earn more money
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United States

I couldnt agree more! Dji Go 4 app would crash pretty much any time I tried to use an intelligent flight mode. Sometimes 3+ times per battery... Litchi = ZERO app crashes.

The funniest thing about this is the complete disregard from DJI.  The explanation they give "This is a Samsung/Android problem, we have been trying to get them to fix it" is an outright LIE! Why does, every single other app on my phone work seamlessly? Facebook, Snapseed, Kayak, Spotify, Uber, GoProCapture etc etc etc even junky free apps that update like never have zero trouble. Literally the only app that has the slightest bit of trouble is DJI GO 4.  

So youre telling me Samsung is just out to get DJI?
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Flight distance : 487480 ft

Sangarone Posted at 2017-6-1 18:14
I couldnt agree more! Dji Go 4 app would crash pretty much any time I tried to use an intelligent flight mode. Sometimes 3+ times per battery... Litchi = ZERO app crashes.

The funniest thing about this is the complete disregard from DJI.  The explanation they give "This is a Samsung/Android problem, we have been trying to get them to fix it" is an outright LIE! Why does, every single other app on my phone work seamlessly? Facebook, Snapseed, Kayak, Spotify, Uber, GoProCapture etc etc etc even junky free apps that update like never have zero trouble. Literally the only app that has the slightest bit of trouble is DJI GO 4.  

And if they really think it's Samsung/Android's problem, they should remove those devices from the "Recommended Devices" list on their product page. They even have the message "*Support for additional Android devices available as testing and development continues.", which implies that the devices listed above have already been tested and approved. I bet a lot of people thought they were good because their devices were on that list.
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Flight distance : 36148 ft
United States

NavigatorNL Posted at 2017-6-1 07:46
Not one single problem with DJI GO 4 over here.

same her out of the box upgrade and all   simple and flawless
yes it does not record my flights everything just  the bee's knee's.....C
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Flight distance : 700768 ft

Iamz Posted at 2017-6-1 08:25
Which version of Android are you running?

Version 6.01
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Flight distance : 225830 ft
United States

I am running the newest android on the cheapest Android phone from Metro PCS and have never had any issues, no crashes or anything (knocks on wood).
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Flight distance : 1060853 ft

I get very regular crashes on Android so I also purchased Litchi. Litchi works every time.
I'm using Redmi Note 3 on Android 6.01
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Flight distance : 390863 ft
  • >>>

floco Posted at 2017-6-12 09:34
I get very regular crashes on Android so I also purchased Litchi. Litchi works every time.
I'm using Redmi Note 3 on Android 6.01

I was out flying my Mavic from a clearing on the side of mounting with some very tall trees around me.
I took the drone out about 200 meters away from me and hit the return to home button on the DJI app which made it crash and said aircraft disconnected. However the drone was still returning to home which freaked me out because if it took the wrong route there was many trees for it to crash into. Also the landing area was surrounded by some rocks and other things that would have caused the mavic to crash if it was off by a few meters. Thank goodness I managed to restart the app quickly, sometimes I have to restart the whole phone for the DJI GO4 app to work, and landed the Mavic. But after that I have lost almost all confidence in the app.
I have had problems with the DJI app using my Samsung S7 and S8 running android 7.0 and the problems seemed to have gotten worse with the last update. I will definitely be trying the Litchi app.
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Flight distance : 1060853 ft

HellFire77 Posted at 2017-6-12 12:22
I was out flying my Mavic from a clearing on the side of mounting with some very tall trees around me.
I took the drone out about 200 meters away from me and hit the return to home button on the DJI app which made it crash and said aircraft disconnected. However the drone was still returning to home which freaked me out because if it took the wrong route there was many trees for it to crash into. Also the landing area was surrounded by some rocks and other things that would have caused the mavic to crash if it was off by a few meters. Thank goodness I managed to restart the app quickly, sometimes I have to restart the whole phone for the DJI GO4 app to work, and landed the Mavic. But after that I have lost almost all confidence in the app.
I have had problems with the DJI app using my Samsung S7 and S8 running android 7.0 and the problems seemed to have gotten worse with the last update. I will definitely be trying the Litchi app.

Perhaps next time switch to sports mode when this happens - I think it stops the RTH?
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