Are most of the owners/pilots here confident enough with their piloting skills and current reliability of their I1 to get these kinds of shots under those emergency conditions? Also, do you feel this is a wise and safe use of the I1? I'm just wondering your thoughts.
Not in Canada...what this person was doing is Illegal...Condition 26. The pilot operating under this exemption shall only operate a UAV at least five (5) nautical miles away from a built-up area. It also includes Forest fires. Condition 23. The pilot operating under this exemption shall not operate a UAV over a forest fire area, or over any area that is located within five nautical miles of a forest fire area. There are a couple more Rules that could be used here but the point is. Just because we can does not mean that we should. The film footage is dramatic and its amazing what these birds can show us. But none the less the operator put the fire fighters and public at risk. A lot of the rules we are currently facing and I am sure there will be many more are being put into place, in many cases for a reason.This is yet another example there are rules.
I agree that it was bad judgement but holy cow! That is incredible footage.
Now - I'm not saying it's okay to endanger or impede emergency personnel to get footage. I'm just amazed that he got it.
P.S. I agree - That's one hell of a pump!
Would I be correct in saying that if this sort of incident were to happen in the good old US of A, there would be tv news helicopters buzzing around all over the place trying to get the best shots. This is all fine because nobody minds one of those things crashing into a crowd of people but the likes of FAA / CAA / ICAO / NAA etc. would be pissing in their pants if they saw a 3kg quadcopter up there!
Just by reading this forum for the last three months, how many Inspire-1 crashes or fly-aways can you count? And then how many helicopters crashed worldwide during the same three months? ;)
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to fly my I-1 wherever I like but I perfectly understand why most countries would not allow you to do so.