Flight distance : 9413 ft
United States
So.. Final update on this...
I did get overnighted a brand new, in the box Mavic Pro! Where Support proved incapable of helping me for more than 2 months, someone outside of the Support dept was able to get me sorted out - in less than 24 hrs!
The poor guy... As I continued to berate this guy with my negative experiences, letting him know how little I trusted him, he made sure to stress "I am not with Support. I can help you." - I believe that he said Logistics (said "close to the repair department")... He said that a lot of the staff outside of Support keep tabs on issues and talk about them - stating that DJI was an innovator and a good enough company to work for, but then implying that DJI has become overwhelmed and unable to keep up with the massive success of the Mavic and subsquent support. He did indicate, as Support has before, that DJI is aware of the percieved issues and is taking steps to attempt to improve them - though he couldn't really give any tangible details that this was going to be happening anytime soon.
Long story longer, he made good... I was sent a couple of more emails from the guy, updating me on the process and sharing tracking numbers with me... In less than 24 hrs, I had a shiny new Mavic Pro dropped off via UPS Overnight!
Unfortunately, at this time, my main take away from my experience is "you have to raise H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks"... I've not seen where politely asking for assistance actually gets you assistance at DJI - seems to actually get you the opposite... I do believe that some people probably get acceptable support - surely they must... I do believe that the delay due to DJI's being backed up is just how things are currently - though DJI isn't doing themselves any favors by continuing to lie about this and they should just own it (people get livid when you've led them to believe the process will be 1-2 weeks and it winds up being a month and a half). But, based on my experiences, if you begin to encounter issues outside of the normal delay issue, then you're likely to be in for a bumpy ride - and that you're best served in reaching out on every social media platform available to you, with the knowledge that you're going to have to create a big stink frequently before your case will get the attention that it needs (it's a bit of a nightmare, to be honest)...
I wish you guys the best of luck! I dang sure would only wish the Support process on my most worst of enemies - and I'd even think twice before doing that... It honestly began to feel like "you've ticked them off - the reason it feels like they couldn't possible be accidentally messing up this much is because they are actively sabatoging your cases"... I'm sure this isn't true, but it dang sure felt like this after multiple months had passed and I could only manage to get damaged, incorrect devices or nothing in return... One can't help but think of "Heinlein's Razor", which is essentially "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity...".. And I'm not exactly calling anyone stupid, but I do believe that the process is very disorganized currently and broken in many ways - which can come to feel like a conspiracy to screw you out of your money...