Flight distance : 80272 ft
The "roll" axis on my Osmo Mobile occasionally gets stuck and can only be freed when you apply a medium force onto it with a really bad "feeling" and sounding scratching going on while doing so.
It almost feels like that something inside the motor (or compartment) is trapped and occasionally gets in between something, sometimes the Osmo even displays a "device error" while using and you can also hear how it sometimes struggles to move the axis. However it is working from time to time without any noticeable scratching, being stuck or anything else.
Now, the bad thing is I got that Osmo second hand and I have no idea how old it is, when it was ordered, where it was ordered and of course I have no bill, but the Osmo itself was (and still is) in a good condition and doesn't seem like someone dropped it or something like that, according to the seller it was only used once for a project when he found out it wasn't the right thing for him.
What should I do now? When sending it in to DJI I bet I'll have to pay a full repair price...