Firstly, just to let you know upfront, this wasn't solely shot on my P3S and includes a heap of my GoPro footage too.
This is, however, the first video i have combined both.
The spot in this video is the public water park at Eastern Beach in Geelong. I fell in love with the place as soon as i set eyes on it, and during the summer months i'm down there using the amazing facilities and meeting new people.
Many thanks
Not sure who Tony Banks is, and whether you're referencing the guitar intro or the 'dance' main part...but i listen to and write a few different styles.
Besides dance music i listen to a lot of 'post rock'...which is sort of heavy-ish film soundtrack type stuff., and i also wrote a load myself under the name 'It May Never End'. There's heaps uploaded...just do a Youtube search ;)
If anyone ever needs copyright free music for a video then you're more than welcome to use any my stuff
After receiving a few PM's regarding downloading my solo project 'It May Never End' albums for copyright free music to use in your video's, i decided the best way was to upload a zip file with both albums for you.....
All i ask is that if you decide to use any of it, it would be fab if you could credit me at the end of your video somewhere....(music by "It May Never End" or something!?) I'm hoping there's something you can use in this lot, as i know what a pain it is to put a video onto Youtube etc only to have the soundtrack flagged and adverts bombard your video's. There's nothing more annoying!
Anyway, hoping someone somewhere can make use of this download.... be swift though, as i think the link is only active for 10 days. I can always upload it again if anyone misses it though...
All the best, Neil
(ps...i might double up on this and post it in the various other DJI sections too if that's ok? I'm figuring that us p3s users aren't alone in trying to find copyright free music to use! ) It May Never End (copyright free music)