Flight distance : 136686 ft
Your point?
The link goes somewhere irrelevant.
Think you are making the point that there have been no documented accidents between UAV's and manned aircraft. That is but one risk factor, and probably one of the least concern in reality. Something like a Phantom going through a jet engine would probably not cause a lot of damage to the aircraft and even if it did they can lose an engine and still fly. However the flying public do not see it that way. They perceive that one interaction will bring down a commercial jet and all on board will be killed. It's the perception which matters in these cases. There are other risks which are more probable than that. However we have all been given the priveledge to fly these devices. In most countries (and it varies) there are some rules in place that limit these operations. These rules can be varied if the public at large feel there is a threat, sometimes without hard evidence. Politicians will often act to head off perceived, rather than actual, threats. If the media keep showing that our UAV's are being used in ways which are in breach of the laws and there is a fear of public safety then the manner in which we are allowed to operate can be taken away. It has already happened in places like Canada and Sweden where for various reasons draconian laws have been enacted. The sort of operations in the OP here, as nice as it looks, is part of that problem.