Ex Machina
First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States
Panaceabeachbum Posted at 2017-6-3 18:18
Yes I have was mainly asking for others first hand experience. Do you have a first hand, RC was powered down RTH experience or are you playing devils advocate I see it occasionally advised to power down RC to initiate RTH and I would like to here from people that have powered down their RC to initiate RTH. What happened? I know it initiates the same result but its still not exactly the same.
Not trying to play devil's advocate, just curious as to what you were up to, and what I might be missing. And no, I have no direct experience. Sorry.
From my way of thinking, there should be no difference from a lost signal due to interference triggering an RTH than a lost signal due to a powered-down RC -- what's important to the Mavic is the lost signal.