 DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States
fansc352849f Posted at 2017-6-9 14:46
Thanks for the suggestions, but nothing worked. While the wing it off and on 10 times, I also noticed that when they reassembled the unit, they only put in two of the clear pins that hold the gimbal on. This is some of, if not the worste quality control and repair service I have ever seen.
Looks like I'll be sending the unit back in once again. Unbelievable.
The gimbal is only supposed to have 2 anti drop pins attached diagonally. Having all 4 installed can lead to noticeable vibration in the footage due to being too stiff. Could you also please verify which Go app version you're running and OS you're running on the iPhone 6S? Do you have hardware decoding enabled or disabled? What LED indicator are you getting from the front of the camera itself? If you still have the unit, you should try the following button combinations as well:
Reset the RC:
* Turn on the RC, and leave the aircraft off.
* Press C1, C2, and shutter and then turn the it off.
* While still holding the buttons, turn on the RC, then the aircraft and relink the remote.
Manually relinking the RC to the aircraft:
* Turn on both the aircraft and the RC.
* Press C1, C2, and the record button on the RC, which will produce a "D-DD" audio queue. This may take a few seconds of holding them.
* While still holding the buttons, press the wheel on the right side of the RC (ISO). The LED indicator on the RC will turn blue and it will constantly beep "DDDD".
* Use a pen to push in the linking button on the aircraft and hold for 3-5 seconds, then take the pen off the aircraft and wait, it will be linked soon.