United States
a_makarovsky Posted at 2017-6-8 06:19
As per release notes Goggles support was added only in .700.
Can anyone verify it is possible to use them with Mavic .400? If it is, then are all of the tracking modes available?
Also comparing to .400 newer versions are better in terms of:
Yeah, you'd need that for the RC. I think I remember seeing that.
Was not impressed with the airplane mode since the props always showed up in shots and the controls were backwards.
My biggest complaint of the new firmwares: Every firmware since .400, the gimbal is screwed up somehow someway. Have to correct the horizon with a angle tilt of about 4, which then proceeds to mess up portrait mode which makes its tilt way off. In .400, it is level to the horizon. Also, in .400, there is no angle tilt to the gimbal when flying sideways. It stays level with the horizon. No other firmware I tried did either of these things properly. When I was on .700, I saw the gimbal wig out a couple times too for no reason, sitting on a desk. Looked like it was straining and could overload itself, though it was a somewhat rare event, but then I did not want to test to make sure.
For me to upgrade, they need to fix the gimbal for one, and the NFZ garbage that can make your drone hit the drink if the app crashes.
I am not sure they can add anything more useful at this point. As always, fly the firmware you are happy with. I am happy on .400 for now.