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Phantom 4 Firmware Issues
32524 32524 2017-6-8
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Stoner Droner
Flight distance : 10 ft
United States

My Phantom 4 is now completly useless since I was forced to "upgrade" to DJI's latest firmware. The video feed to all my Samsung devices are now completely scrambled and the only decent video signal I get is from the optional HDMI module I purchased and installed on the RC. The radio signal from the drone is also extremely poor and will be lost after a few hundred feet away. The DJI Go app also crashes all the time and now I can't get the DJI Assistant to work anymore. Is DJI planning on fixing these issues or do they not care about their customers? Do they even test their software before forcing their customers into using it? And does DJI think sabotaging and destroying their customers products will get them to buy their newer ones? I'm seriously thinking about throwing this useless piece of junk into the garbage and buying a drone from another company if this isn't resolved soon. Who else is ready for a class action lawsuit agasint DJI?

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First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
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You have a P4? What latest firmware? There hasn't been a prod firmware release since Nov 2016.  Or do you mean the DJI GO app?
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Stoner Droner
Flight distance : 10 ft
United States

Punchbuggy Posted at 2017-6-8 05:08
You have a P4? What latest firmware? There hasn't been a prod firmware release since Nov 2016.  Or do you mean the DJI GO app?

I have a P4 which I was forced to update the firmware to v01.02.0602 just last week. I haven't flown the drone since last summer and never had an issue  before. I  went to fly it last week and was instructed to update the drone's firmware, which I did. I was experiencing the issues I described only after I updated the drone. I talked to DJI two days ago and they told me they never heard of these issues before and that I needed to send my drone in for repairs. DJI then told me it was possible to downgrade to the previous firmware version using the DJI Assistant app, but the option of installing older firmware packages isn't available in the newer DJI Assistant software. I was then told I couldn't downgrade the firmware and had to ship it to them for repairs. I believe the problem is DJI's firmware update, which disabled my drone from working properly.

Iv'e read posts online from people having the same issues and they say it's from the new firmware conflicting with the optional HDMI output module. Once they swapped the original module back into the RC, the issues went away. My problem is that I threw the original module away, so don't have that option. Iv'e even purchased another app called Litchi, which is similar to DJI Go app, but better, and I still have the same video issues, so it's not the DJI GO app, it's the drone's firmware update conflicting with the HDMI output module.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3 ft
United States

None of my Samsung devices work any longer with my P4.  They refuse to connect.  S6 is dead to me now.  I suspect GO has outgrown their capability and not necessarily the firmware.  My iPad Air 2 is still connecting and working, although the video stream is starting to break up on it now too.  It may be also approaching its end of life as far as GO is concerned.  I was shocked to see GO 4.1.0 is over 800MB in size.
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Flight distance : 32375 ft
United States

P4Pro not P4 right?
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Flight distance : 175666 ft
United States

I was prompted to install firmware this morning, which I did.  It has essentially made my month old Phantom 4 Pro useless.  When connecting to the RC, and the aircraft, both show up-to-date after doing version checks.  When I tap to fly, there is no image transmission to the screen and "No Signal" is displayed in the upper left.  When I tap No Signal, Radio Channel Quality bounces between Poor and Good.  The forward lights on the P4P are steady red, while the rear lights are blinking rapidly yellowish.  When the P4P is first turned on the rear lights cycle through all colors before rapidly blinking yellow.  I will be calling support, I hope they can tell me whats up!!  Not very happy after investing so much money into this and only a little over a month of use!!
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Flight distance : 172835 ft
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United States

I too just updated two systems. Both worked great but now they both have no video transmission.
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Flight distance : 175666 ft
United States

fansafcdc416 Posted at 2017-6-8 06:08
I too just updated two systems. Both worked great but now they both have no video transmission.

Mine worked great before the update as well.  No issues whatsover.  Now its a paperweight.
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Flight distance : 7310331 ft
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fansafcdc416 Posted at 2017-6-8 06:08
I too just updated two systems. Both worked great but now they both have no video transmission.

Thought so too. Rebinding the remote controller to the aircraft solved that problem. Rebind by clicking on the rc symbol in the app and clicking the led between the micro sd slot and the usb port of the aircraft.

My steps where:
1) Update aircraft
2) Update Remote Controller
3) no signal
4) rebind controller to aircraft
5) live feed all back to normal
6) apply all personal camera and remote controller settings again
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Flight distance : 1168140 ft
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United States

v01.02.0602 is shown as current for P4 and seems to work fine for me.
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Flight distance : 175666 ft
United States

RuSchristian Posted at 2017-6-8 06:35
Thought so too. Rebinding the remote controller to the aircraft solved that problem. Rebind by clicking on the rc symbol in the app and clicking the led between the micro sd slot and the usb port of the aircraft.

My steps where:

I can't thank you enough, that worked for me as well!  I wanted to try and relink earlier, but couldn't find a button on the P4P.  Now I know.  Thanks again!
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Stoner Droner
Flight distance : 10 ft
United States

DroneGuyEd Posted at 2017-6-8 06:48
v01.02.0602 is shown as current for P4 and seems to work fine for me.

Have you got an HDMI output module installed on your Remote?
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Flight distance : 1168140 ft
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United States

Stoner Droner Posted at 2017-6-8 08:47
Have you got an HDMI output module installed on your Remote?

I only use a USB cable between remote and tablet/phone.
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Stoner Droner
Flight distance : 10 ft
United States

I have the original Phantom 4 that I bought on Amazon last summer. I also purchased the optional HDMI output module for the RC. I haven't flown the drone since last summer so I just updated the firmware last week. And right now, the HDMI port is the only source of video feed that is clear. The video feed via the usb to the smart device controlling the drone has so much interference that it's impossible to use to navigate the drone. I also had very poor radio reception the last time I flew it, which was the first time since last summer and since I was forced to update the firmware. The DJI Go app has also been crashing while I've been working on these issues. The drone is no longer safe to fly in my opinion.
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Flight distance : 358238 ft

Stoner Droner Posted at 2017-6-8 09:18
I have the original Phantom 4 that I bought on Amazon last summer. I also purchased the optional HDMI output module for the RC. I haven't flown the drone since last summer so I just updated the firmware last week. And right now, the HDMI port is the only source of video feed that is clear. The video feed via the usb to the smart device controlling the drone has so much interference that it's impossible to use to navigate the drone. I also had very poor radio reception the last time I flew it, which was the first time since last summer and since I was forced to update the firmware. The DJI Go app has also been crashing while I've been working on these issues. The drone is no longer safe to fly in my opinion. [view_image]

I'm in the same your condition and I completely agree with you!
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Stoner Droner
Flight distance : 10 ft
United States

DroneGuyEd Posted at 2017-6-8 08:54
I only use a USB cable between remote and tablet/phone.

I only use a usb cable between my remote and tablet/phone too because neither of them have an HDMI port, but my Headplay googles has an HDMI port and right now, that's the only way to view the camera feed. I believe this optional HDMI module has something to do with why the latest firmware is messing with the usb video feed to my devices.

USB Video Feed Interference

USB Video Feed Interference

Optional HDMI Module

Optional HDMI Module
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Stoner Droner
Flight distance : 10 ft
United States

Bluesphere Posted at 2017-6-8 09:34
I'm in the same your condition and I completely agree with you!

I was going to buy those DJI Googles but they took too long to ship them so I canceled the order. I'm glad I did because I'm pretty sure I'm done doing business with DJI.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
  • >>>

Stoner Droner Posted at 2017-6-8 10:11
I was going to buy those DJI Googles but they took too long to ship them so I canceled the order. I'm glad I did because I'm pretty sure I'm done doing business with DJI.

The DJI Googles currently don't have full functionality with the P4 currently anyway. It'll require the next firmware - if it's released for the P4.
Otherwise, the latest firmware for the P4P was released yesterday, and that release incorporated an RC update too. Perhaps IF they release the (probably final, if they do) firmware for the P4 to bring them into line, there'll also be an accompanying RC update?
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Flight distance : 251562 ft
United States

I just did the mandatory firmware update (Ver 4.1.0) on my P4P and the update went fine until it for to 99%, it asked me to unplug the USB connection and reconnect so it would see the refreshed firmware. I did this and it just sat there for another 10 mins (the led on the RC was flashing red and green). At that point I powered everything down, closed the DJI 4 Go app in the back ground on the iPad Air.  I then restarted everything and it checked firmware and came back saying the RC had to be updated so I did that. Everything is working 100% with both the RC, drone, and iPad. Firmware and software versions below.

APP    Version 4.1.0
Aircraft    Version  01.04.0602
RC     Version
Flight Database    Version
App Database     Version

Everything seemed to be fine with flight, all sensors are working, verified ActiveTrack, POI, Waypoints, Tap to Fly,  Follow me all worked seamlessly.
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Flight distance : 477136 ft

When I today updating my P4P I had to calibrate the Sensor and I had no signal from the camera, all I had to take care over again, and now everything is working properly.You just need to be patient
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Stoner Droner
Flight distance : 10 ft
United States

Leviathan Posted at 2017-6-8 13:44
When I today updating my P4P I had to calibrate the Sensor and I had no signal from the camera, all I had to take care over again, and now everything is working properly.You just need to be patient

I don't have a Phantom 4 "PRO", I have the original Phantom 4 with the optional HDMI module installed on the RC. I've updated the drone multiple times and relinked the RC to it. I've recalibrate all the sensors and I've tried uninstalling all the apps and reinstalling them again. I've tried restarting all my devices and setting everything to the factory presets and doing it all over again with no luck. What I need is a working firmware for my drone, patience has nothing to do with anything.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Stoner Droner Posted at 2017-6-8 15:51
I don't have a Phantom 4 "PRO", I have the original Phantom 4 with the optional HDMI module installed on the RC. I've updated the drone multiple times and relinked the RC to it. I've recalibrate all the sensors and I've tried uninstalling all the apps and reinstalling them again. I've tried restarting all my devices and setting everything to the factory presets and doing it all over again with no luck. What I need is a working firmware for my drone, patience has nothing to do with anything.

Try rolling the RC back from V1.8 to V1.6:-

Connect display device (with good internet wifi connection) to RC and power both up (aircraft off).

Run DJI Go, on initial screen (where it displays aircraft type etc) at top right hand corner you will see a 'graduation hat' icon (or perhaps three lines if DJI Go 4). Hold your finger on that for about 5 seconds and release. You should now see a black screen appear with an option to roll back RC firmware (you may have to sellect V1.6 in the roll down menu). Make sure RC is well charged, takes about 5 minutes or so. Power down when complete. Restart all and check all working, you may need to relink RC to aircraft.
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Stoner Droner
Flight distance : 10 ft
United States

Aardvark Posted at 2017-6-8 15:56
Try rolling the RC back from V1.8 to V1.6:-

Connect display device (with good wifi connection) to RC and power both up (aircraft off).

Well, that sounded like a good idea. I was able to get to the black screen and selected v1.6 in the drop-down box and downloaded it. Unfortunately, the install process failed and when I tried it again, there was a new message under the drop-down box that said "No available firmware for downgrade.". It's as if DJI really doesn't want me to fly their crappy drone again. That's alright, I guess my next step would be to contact a consumer fraud attorney to start a class action lawsuit against DJI for deliberately destroying a product I paid for without my permission. I sure as hell didn't pay thousands of dollars for a drone and all the accessories for it to be rendered useless by the manufacturer via a virus disguised as a firmware update!!

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Stoner Droner
Flight distance : 10 ft
United States

Aardvark Posted at 2017-6-8 15:56
Try rolling the RC back from V1.8 to V1.6:-

Connect display device (with good wifi connection) to RC and power both up (aircraft off).

After a couple of app uninstalls and reinstalls and device restarts, I finally got the RC downgraded back to v1.6, but it wasn't easy. It fought me the whole way. LOL I appreciate the help and learned a few new things during this process. If only the staff at DJI could have been half as helpful!  Cheers!
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Flight distance : 568773 ft
United States

Seeing all this trouble, I put away my P4.  Let DJI sort out what is going on.  Going back to my airplanes for now.
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DJI Mindy

Stoner Droner Posted at 2017-6-8 19:11
After a couple of app uninstalls and reinstalls and device restarts, I finally got the RC downgraded back to v1.6, but it wasn't easy. It fought me the whole way. LOL I appreciate the help and learned a few new things during this process. If only the staff at DJI could have been half as helpful!  Cheers!

We apologize that you’re experiencing difficulties and unpleasant experience with our support, and sorry for your time. Did this issue be solved by downgrading the RC? If not, please keep us updated.
We still have too much to learn and will keep improving to make your experience with us better. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
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United States

I updated the phantom 4 pro today. I expected to find that the phantom 3 pro also needed up to be upgraded. Is there a corresponding phantom 3 pro upgrade that integrates the no fly zones like with the phantom 4 pro?
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Flight distance : 1159331 ft
United States

Firmware update worked for me first time out.

Hmmm. Something must be wrong on your end with the radio signal. Are you sure you fully completed the entire upgrade procedure? I don't know how or if it would even allow you to fly it everything wasn't fully updated. But I ran the update through my phone and using the OTG cable plugged into my drone and followed the instructions from DJI go 4 when it said to connect my phone to my drone after a Remote control power up and signal aquired the drone. The firmware update of the drone took a long time, maybe 10 minutes I think (didn't pay attention) at the end I had to move the usb cable of my phone off the drone and back to my phone where it then said I needed to update the remote control to 1.4.1 or something like that, it was 1.4.0. Anyhow I then power cycled all devices, performed a compass calibration and went out and flew up 400 feet and outward of 1/2 mile and took video and still photos alike and tested control of the drone at the 1/2 mile distance and everything was working fine and I had very little on display video glitches, but they do happen at that distance and eventually I flew my drone home. Doesn't sound as broken as what you have going, thats why I suggest you make sure everything is updated, fully.
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Flight distance : 2014111 ft
United States

why DJI forcing customer now to upgrade? i am curious about the reason... this is the absolute worst case scenario. think about the ragestorm DJI will get for sure in the future when people fly to far away locations for videoshootings, everything is set up and then the drone say: "hey we got a new update for you and we dont let you fly normal until you install that, so you are done now!"
so the customer MUST install the update or the videoshooting wont happen. and then worst case scenario hit because DJI CAN NOT make sure that this upgrade is compatible to all devices and setting on our planet. after install many people cant use their drones anymore because its full of bugs and video transmission errors. they will scream for an option to downgrade but DJI dont allow that anymore too --> and voila, DJI created a whole new nightmare experience for customers...

i am talking from same experience with this situation. my god how often i cursed DJI and my P3 advanced before because same reason! it never worked properly. there was ALWAYS a problem with software. i bought an ipad to fly the P3 before and everything was ok (not perfect but doable). fly many months and suddenly after an update the ipad wasnt supported anymore, made my ipad useless and no other device around in my holiday island to fly this damn thing! oh boy i was furious angry for DJI that day. i was stranded there for 2 weeks, unable to shoot even one video because this rubish upgrade.

so i sold the P3 and got a brand new P4 advanced plus because i was tired of the problems with external APPs and phones. and oh boy was i wrong again to do this because the exact same problems seem to happen with the new build in screen as well. i got freezes, crashes, no video transmission, disconnects, you name it!
then i went do a DJI store which luckily just open last week and they where able to solve the problems. i fly for 2 days without any problems and i was really happy i finally got something to work with again.

AND THEN DJI CAME UP WITH THIS CRAZY UPDATE IDEA AGAIN! forcing me to change my perfectly working drone again without knowing what this update will ruin next...
you understand we customers are NOT HAPPY WITH DJI


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Flight distance : 207064 ft

I learnt the hard way that dji are just out to rip people off.My Phantom 4 had a mind of its own  and ditched into the ocean and dji wiped their hands of it.I will never waste my hard earned cazh on another dji product.
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Flight distance : 7349334 ft
  • >>>

Stoner Droner Posted at 2017-6-8 19:11
After a couple of app uninstalls and reinstalls and device restarts, I finally got the RC downgraded back to v1.6, but it wasn't easy. It fought me the whole way. LOL I appreciate the help and learned a few new things during this process. If only the staff at DJI could have been half as helpful!  Cheers!

Hey Stoner. I have some problem on  1.8 FW and HDMI modul. 1.6 FW works fine wih HDMI but i saty on 1.8 and uninstall HDMI becouse i want buy CrystalSKy with in-build HDMI. 1.8 without HDMI works.

iIs unbelievable that DJI ignore this critical bug for 7+ months.  "Thx" DJI
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Flight distance : 15200 ft
United Kingdom

Stoner Droner Posted at 2017-6-8 09:18
I have the original Phantom 4 that I bought on Amazon last summer. I also purchased the optional HDMI output module for the RC. I haven't flown the drone since last summer so I just updated the firmware last week. And right now, the HDMI port is the only source of video feed that is clear. The video feed via the usb to the smart device controlling the drone has so much interference that it's impossible to use to navigate the drone. I also had very poor radio reception the last time I flew it, which was the first time since last summer and since I was forced to update the firmware. The DJI Go app has also been crashing while I've been working on these issues. The drone is no longer safe to fly in my opinion. [view_image]

Theres your problem........

The Firmware update it for the 4Pro and Pro+. The other uodate is for the 4Adv.

You have updated a normal 4 with the pro update..... this will cause you massive the f@#king release notes!
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DJI Mindy

TJF059 Posted at 2017-6-8 22:50
I learnt the hard way that dji are just out to rip people off.My Phantom 4 had a mind of its own  and ditched into the ocean and dji wiped their hands of it.I will never waste my hard earned cazh on another dji product.

Our data analysis team should have analyzed the reason of the accident. We will compensate if it's malfunction in warranty. May I have the case number so I will help to check what happened to your drone.
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DJI Mindy

PandaFlyingcat Posted at 2017-6-8 20:54
why DJI forcing customer now to upgrade? i am curious about the reason... this is the absolute worst case scenario. think about the ragestorm DJI will get for sure in the future when people fly to far away locations for videoshootings, everything is set up and then the drone say: "hey we got a new update for you and we dont let you fly normal until you install that, so you are done now!"
so the customer MUST install the update or the videoshooting wont happen. and then worst case scenario hit because DJI CAN NOT make sure that this upgrade is compatible to all devices and setting on our planet. after install many people cant use their drones anymore because its full of bugs and video transmission errors. they will scream for an option to downgrade but DJI dont allow that anymore too --> and voila, DJI created a whole new nightmare experience for customers...

Thank you for your feedback. Firmware updating is not mandatory, you can check our release note firstly about what's new. If you are not willing to update, it will not be a problem. We are sorry for the inconvenience that has been caused.
We listen to all the feedback on social media, will keep improving to provide you all more professional service, and thank you for your suggestion, we will forwarded it to the supervisor, and will keep improving to make your experience with us better.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 811257 ft
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United States

Could THIS have anything to do with your loss of live stream and limited range?  

"Law enforcement isn’t alone in the fight again the misuse of drones. Earlier this week, major Chinese drone manufacturer DJI released an update that forces all new users of its drones to register their devices through its app. If users don’t comply DJI will diminish flight performance by disabling live-streaming and drastically cutting range."
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Flight distance : 1140502 ft
  • >>>
United States

fansafcdc416 Posted at 2017-6-8 06:08
I too just updated two systems. Both worked great but now they both have no video transmission.

RE-bind your controller.  The pop-up message tells you that you may have to do that.
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Flight distance : 1140502 ft
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United States

My guess is that the channel that your RC connected to after the update is not happy with another signal.  If you are on AUTO select channel, try to select one manually.  If you have a manual channel selected, try going to AUTO.
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Flight distance : 2014111 ft
United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 2017-6-9 04:43
Thank you for your feedback. Firmware updating is not mandatory, you can check our release note firstly about what's new. If you are not willing to update, it will not be a problem. We are sorry for the inconvenience that has been caused.
We listen to all the feedback on social media, will keep improving to provide you all more professional service, and thank you for your suggestion, we will forwarded it to the supervisor, and will keep improving to make your experience with us better.

thanks for reply mindy,
i just updated this morning because the app kept pushing me to do the update and the red messages all over the screen freak me out.
so you mean i could just ignore the update and continue fly normaly?

i know DJI try to make the experience better. how about make one update which works perfectly and then stop upgrading for a year?
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RuSchristian Posted at 2017-6-8 06:35
Thought so too. Rebinding the remote controller to the aircraft solved that problem. Rebind by clicking on the rc symbol in the app and clicking the led between the micro sd slot and the usb port of the aircraft.

My steps where:

wow, big help. thanks!!
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Flight distance : 78159 ft


I Was also forced to update firmware in RC and P4. Message told me that if the upgrades where not done flying would be limited to 30 m altitude and 50 m distance. Sound like an intelligence agency warning. So I did the upgrades. Now I am getting a message saying that if I am not log in To my DJI page I will not be able to fly more than the 30/50 limit. Then why did DJI forced me to upgrade. Furthermore, now DJI tells me that, in order to avoid this need to log in I can try downgrading software.
Additionally, in the DJI GS not I get a new message telling me that dice I have upgrades the software I can not take photos in "equal distance mode". Any one have seen these issue?
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