Nikon 1
United States
I posted this on another forum this morning - and thought you guys might enjoy it as well . . .
Yesterday I updated the AC, RC and (1) Battery to .800. I took it out, flew the battery and everything was fine. This morning I connected my second battery, put the Mavic on the carpet and was getting ready to update that battery. I got interrupted and just let everything sit for about an hour - nothing had been powered up yet so no harm, no foul.
When I came back, powered up the RC and the iPad and then the Mavic, I got a Gimbal Motor Overload message! When I flew yesterday, everything was fine so wtf?
I powered off the Mavic and put it in the table where I could watch it power up and sure enough the gimbal was acting flaky. As I put the Mavic down, something small and black fell out onto the table. All I could think was something in the camera mount broke and I had visions of repairs.
I powered the Mavic up for a third time and everything was great - no gimbal error reported and the camera was level.
When I looked to see whatever this small black piece was, it was sort of soft and had small legs. Here it was what we locally call "Rolly Polly" bugs! I guessing it crawled from the carpet into the gimbal in the hour the Mavic was sitting on the carpet this morning.
Sorry to say, it was dead - I'm thinking it got crushed with the gimbal swing on power up. Count me one happy Mavic owner. I will not be leaving the Mavic on our plush living room carpet again.
Previously, this land was a hugh Christmas Tree farm so when we built our house, we greatly disturbed the existing ecology. Every morning, after a day or two of rain, my wife goes on a "bug hunt" and usually catches about 5 or 6 of these "Rolly Pollys" in the morning. I guess getting up before her and updating the batteries was not a great idea.
I'll try to get a picture of one of these little critters and post it up. Maybe DJI should suggest pilots with gimbal problem look for these little PITAs.
But - it did end well and I'm quite happy with the .800 update!