Flight distance : 3055210 ft
Is it just me, or has anyone notice that after the new .800 firmware, the video stabilization is a lot better than it was before. My first flight after the upgrade, and this after many flights before .800, there was a high sence of calm while watching the video feed. My mavic also suffered a little bit of jiggle while flying full speed if it was cold weather (would always correct itself when it warmed up) but this too has settled down since the update. It'll still happen, but no where as bad (this jiggle issue was no big deal to me, being as I'm not really a video guy, I use the camera to help me fly, not to take video) but it's nice to see that it looks like .800 "may" have improved gimble stability. I still need more time flying to see if it's just a fluke or it is indeed an improvement.